Chapter 19

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A steady beeping wrenched Kenzo out of his dreamless slumber. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open to the sterile white surroundings of a hospital room. The soft hum of medical equipment and the faint scent of antiseptic filled the air. 

As consciousness fully embraced him, he registered the dull ache throughout his body. Blinking against the harsh hospital lights, Kenzo took in the sight of pristine sheets, the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor beside him signaling life's persistence.

He groaned, struggling to sit up in the bed, keenly aware of the fractures and possible internal bleeding. The medication coursing through his veins provided some relief, allowing him to endure the pain.

The door swung open abruptly, startling Kenzo in his drug-induced haze. Disoriented, he winced at the sudden noise.

"Kenzo? Oh my god, Kenzo! You're awake!" A tight embrace followed, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut against the surge of pain. When he reopened them, his best friend Shin stood before him. Doe brown eyes glistened with tears, brown hair disheveled, and a hoodie worn inside out.

"Shin?" Kenzo croaked, his throat parched and sore, attempting to sit up in the hospital bed.

"Kenzo, when I saw you on the news, I thought you were dead!" Shin's worry echoed in his voice as he pulled back, holding Kenzo at arm's length.

Kenzo managed a weak smile. "I'm still here, apparently."

Shin sighed in relief, his shoulders slumping, "You have no idea how scared we all were. Japan practically stopped when the news broke about the All For One and All Might fight. I was at the convenience store, grabbing some snacks, and suddenly, the cashier turned up the volume on the TV. It was chaos. Everyone was watching, and I couldn't believe it was you, caught up in all that."

He paused, the gravity of the situation etched on his face. "The whole nation was worried, Kenzo. Especially your fans. The close-ups were pretty brutal."

Kenzo's expression softened, touched by the concern. But something else gnawed at his mind.

"What else happened? After I collapsed."

Shin seemed to be contemplating something, a conflict evident on his pretty face. Kenzo could read him easily. Slowly, Shin shook his head.

"What happened?" Kenzo pressed, his blue eyes narrowing as he stared up at his friend.

"I'll tell you after you get out of the hospital. You have to focus on getting better."

"I feel better," Kenzo replied, pushing himself into a seated position and suppressing a groan of pain.

"That's because you're on painkillers." Shin rolled his eyes and slumped down on a chair.

Kenzo persisted, "Shin, come on. What aren't you telling me?"

Shin sighed, avoiding Kenzo's intense gaze. "Look, Kenzo, I promise I'll spill all the details, but not when you're still recovering. It's a lot to take in, and I don't want to overwhelm you. Just trust me, alright? You'll get the full story when you leave this place."

"Fine." Kenzo rolled his eyes and slumped back onto his pillow.

"Kenz, don't be mad." Shin whined, his tousled brown hair falling messily over his forehead as he rested his chin on the bar of the hospital bed. His doe brown eyes pleaded with Kenzo, reflecting both worry and guilt.

Kenzo huffed, a small smile playing on his lips despite the pain. "I'm not mad, Shin."


The next day, the hospital room seemed brighter as Kenzo prepared to leave. Shin was by his side, helping him with the few belongings he had accumulated during his stay. The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the sterile environment.

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