Chapter 36

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As Kenzo slipped into unconsciousness, his mind descending into a murky haze, a flicker of awareness remained—a distant echo amidst the chaos. He was vaguely aware of hands pressing against his abdomen, the sensation sending waves of pain coursing through his body.

As consciousness ebbed and flowed like the tide, Kenzo became aware of a familiar voice cutting through the fog—a voice that pierced through the darkness like a beacon of hope.

"Kenzo, stay with me," Aizawa's voice urged, his tone laced with urgency. "You're going to be okay."

Kenzo struggled to open his eyes, his vision blurred and hazy as he fought against the encroaching darkness. Through the veil of pain and confusion, he could make out Aizawa's stern expression, his features etched with concern as he worked tirelessly to staunch the flow of blood.

With each passing moment, Kenzo's grip on consciousness grew weaker, his body succumbing to the overwhelming tide of pain and exhaustion. He could feel himself slipping further and further away, a sense of helplessness washing over him like a tidal wave.

But just as he felt himself teetering on the brink of oblivion, a surge of determination coursed through his veins. He couldn't give up—not now, not when there was still a chance to fight.

Summoning every last ounce of strength, Kenzo forced his eyes open, his gaze locking onto Aizawa's resolute form. "I-I'm not done yet," he managed to gasp out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aizawa's expression softened, a flicker of relief crossing his features as he met Kenzo's gaze. "Hang in there, Kenzo," he murmured, his voice laced with reassurance. "Help is on the way."

"I'm trying, Aizawa," Kenzo murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "But it hurts."

Aizawa's grip tightened ever so slightly, a silent gesture of solidarity. "I know," he said softly. "But you're strong, Kenzo. You can get through this."

Kenzo's breaths came in ragged gasps, each one a battle against the pain that threatened to consume him. But with Aizawa by his side, he found a glimmer of strength, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.

Kenzo felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him, a rush of gratitude for the man who had become more than just a mentor—he had become a father figure, a guiding light in the darkness.

"Thanks, Aizawa," Kenzo whispered, his words a heartfelt expression of appreciation. "For everything."

Aizawa's hand tightened around Kenzo's shoulder, a silent reassurance that spoke volumes. "You're welcome, Kenzo," he replied softly.

With those words ringing in his ears, Kenzo felt a surge of hope coursing through his veins. He clung to consciousness with a newfound determination, his resolve unwavering as he braced himself for the battle ahead.

And as the distant wail of sirens echoed through the night, Kenzo closed his eyes, a sense of peace washing over him as he surrendered to the darkness, knowing that, no matter what the future held, he would face it head-on, with courage and resilience.

Aizawa's gaze remained fixed on the doors leading to the operating room, his expression grave as he watched the medical team rush Kenzo inside. The young hero's life hung in the balance, his condition critical, and every passing second felt like an eternity.

In the sterile hospital corridor, Aizawa's mind buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions and memories. He had known Kenzo for years, from his days as a bright-eyed student at UA to his emergence as a skilled and dedicated hero. Over time, Kenzo had become more than just a student to Aizawa—he had become like a son, a bond forged through trials and triumphs alike.

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