Chapter 68 *

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This is an Option 1 chapter!


"You're not going to do it." She spoke, defiance in her steely gaze, "Physically you are strong. The strongest even. But mentally, you're weak."

As he looked into Madam President's eyes, a flicker of doubt pierced through the haze of anger and despair. Was this really what he wanted?

In a split-second decision, Kenzo hesitated, his grip on the gun faltering. "I won't kill you. But I'm leaving. I've got various voice recordings of our little chats. A bright young girl at UA built an audio device into my hero costume, so don't even think about trying to ruin my name. Or I'll expose you for what you truly are."

He paused for a few seconds, before turning around and placing his gun back into his holster, "Good luck, finding another Symbol of Hope."

As he disappeared into the darkness, Kenzo couldn't help but wonder what awaited him in the uncertain future that lay ahead. But one thing was certain, he was in charge of his own life now.


As Kenzo burst through the window of his penthouse, he was met with the concerned gazes of Aizawa, Shin, and Hawks who were seated around the living room, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of him covered in blood. Kenzo cursed loudly, he didn't want to bump into anyone. Not now. His heart raced as he darted past them, towards his bedroom, his mind consumed by a singular purpose—escape.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Hawks asked, his mouth gaping open as he shot up from the sofa.

"Kenz?" Shin questioned, his eyes wide with worry.

Ignoring their calls and questions, Kenzo dashed into his room, frantically gathering a few essentials and stuffing them into a small bag. Aizawa, Shin, and Hawks followed closely behind, their voices blending together in a cacophony of concern and confusion.

"Kenzo, what happened?" Aizawa demanded, his tone sharp with worry as he blocked the doorway, his arms crossed in a gesture of authority.

Shin's brow furrowed with concern, his eyes searching Kenzo's face for answers. "Are you hurt? What's going on?"

Hawks' expression was a mixture of shock and concern as he stepped closer, his gaze never leaving Kenzo's blood-stained form. "Kenzo, talk to us. We're here to help."

But Kenzo couldn't find the words to explain, couldn't bring himself to relive the horrors of the night. His chest felt tight with guilt and shame, his mind spinning with the weight of his actions. He knew he had to leave, had to escape before they could stop him, before they could force him to confront the truth of what he had become.

"I can't stay here," Kenzo finally managed to choke out, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I have to go. I'm sorry."

"Kenzo!" Shin yelled, suddenly losing it, "Can you please explain what's going on?"

"I'm a murderer, Shin! Im a fucking murderer! I've killed more than 30 people! Im no fucking hero!" Kenzo yelled, turning around to face his friend. There was a silence after this, where time seemed to stand still. Hawks froze and Shin's jaw dropped. Aizawa's expression was something more akin to concern.

"Is that what they've been making you do for the past two months?" Aizawa asked slowly, trying not to provoke Kenzo further.

"Yeah" Kenzo spoke, his voice breaking slightly, not willing to meet the eyes of his friends. "I'm leaving. I'm gonna go and live where my mum was born. I'm no hero."

With that, he shouldered past Aizawa and dashed out of the room, his bag clutched tightly in his hand. Aizawa, Shin, and Hawks watched in stunned silence as he disappeared down the hallway, the echoes of his footsteps fading into the night.

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