Chapter 22

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The next day, Kenzo opted for a change of scenery on patrol. Mustafu had lost its appeal; the routine of stopping minor skirmishes and rescuing cats from trees felt monotonous. Seeking more excitement, he set his sights on the neighbouring city, Hosu.

On one of his hospital visits, Aizawa had mentioned some of his first year students were on work studies there, and with the threat of the Hero Killer looming, additional assistance could prove invaluable.

Atop an apartment complex, golden hair dancing in the breeze, Kenzo took in the transformed landscape of Hosu below. The city had evolved since his last visit, with taller structures and busier streets shaping its new identity. Thoughts of his step brothers, Harushi and Ren, surfaced. Kenzo pondered whether they still called this bustling city their home.

As Kenzo descended into the lively streets of Hosu, the recognition was immediate. Excited fans whispered, their intrusive enthusiasm palpable.

"Hey, it's Aero! In hosu!"

"Wait, is that his real hair colour? Wow!"

Kenzo, accustomed to the attention, maintained a friendly demeanour. However, as he listened more, a few comments bordered on the thirsty side.

"He's even hotter in person!"

"Did you see those muscles? I'm swooning!"

"He could crush me and I would say thanks!"

Suppressing an amused grin, Kenzo continued his patrol, acknowledging his fans with a nod or a brief smile.

As Kenzo strolled through the streets, a group of fans, predominantly a mix of teenage girls and excited young adults, approached him.

"Kenzo, can we get a selfie?"

"Sure thing! But make it quick, I'm on patrol," he replied, smiling for the impromptu photo session.

One fan, emboldened by the moment, couldn't resist commenting, "You're even more handsome up close!"

Kenzo chuckled, "Thanks!"

Another fan, with a mischievous grin, grabbed his navy cape and teased, "Is it true your hair is as soft as it looks?"

Kenzo, playing along, ran a hand through his golden locks, "You'll have to ask the hair care company I used to model for. They'll vouch for its softness!"

As Kenzo navigated through the crowd, a particularly bold fan shouted, "Hey Aero, can I get a kiss?"

Kenzo blushed, offering a charismatic smile. "Sorry, not today!"

Another fan chimed in, "What's your workout routine? I need to know!"

Kenzo, playing along, flexed a bicep. "Lots of wind resistance training. Keeps me in shape!"

A group of giggling admirers gathered around, and one of them blurted out, "Do you have a girlfriend, Aero?"

Kenzo's grin widened, "I'm married to the wind. It's a full-time commitment."

As he continued his patrol, the lively banter of his fans provided a humorous backdrop to the serious task at hand.

As Kenzo patrolled the bustling streets of Hosu, he couldn't ignore the cry for help that pierced through the city's noise. With a burst of wind, he swiftly soared to the scene where the crime was unfolding.

A group of villains, emboldened by the chaos in the city, had cornered a frightened civilian. They were armed, and looked dangerous. Kenzo's eyes narrowed, and with a determined stride, he stepped forward.

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