Chapter 29

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Kenzo and Aizawa found their places in the stands, their eyes fixed on the unfolding drama of the provisional hero license exam in the vast stadium. The details of the new exam format were relayed to them – examinees were required to place three targets or "weak points" on their bodies, each equipped to recognize the balls used in the exam. The targets could identify the attacker based on factors like distance and movement. Each student received a box with six orange balls, and when a target was hit, it lit up. If all three targets were hit, the student was eliminated, and the person responsible for the last hit received credit for the elimination. To pass the first phase, students needed to eliminate two competitors, and only the first 100 applicants to pass would advance to the final phase.

Kenzo shivered, casting a sympathetic glance toward his students. "I remember the Crushing of UA. You didn't tell them, did you?"

Aizawa sighed, shaking his head. "It's best not to. But our students are well-prepared. Let's see how they handle it."

The tradition known as the "Crushing of U.A." occurred every year, with students from other schools targeting U.A. attendees due to their Quirks being publicized through the U.A. Sports Festival.

As the exam commenced, students from Ketsubutsu Academy immediately launched an attack on Class 1-A. The U.A. students, armed with their new Ultimate Moves, devised robust strategies to defend themselves. Midoriya showcased his impressive Shoot Style, Bakugo unleashed powerful explosions, Uraraka exhibited improved gravity manipulation, and Todoroki demonstrated the refined control of his fire and ice.

Kenzo leaned forward, eyes darting between the intense skirmishes. "They're handling it well. Our kids are no pushovers."

Aizawa nodded in agreement. "Their teamwork has improved significantly. Let's see if it holds up under pressure."

The U.A. students, displaying strong teamwork and unleashing powerful Ultimate Moves, successfully repelled the initial onslaught. Their coordinated defense proved too resilient, prompting Ketsubutsu Academy's Yo Shindo to intervene. Employing his Tremoring Earth special move, Shindo broke the terrain, effectively splitting the combatants and adding an unpredictable element to the ongoing battle.

Kenzo and Aizawa exchanged glances, acknowledging the challenges their students faced in the intense exam. The stadium resonated with the clashes of Quirks and the strategic maneuvers of the examinees, creating a dynamic spectacle that would determine their advancement in the provisional hero license exam.

After a fierce battle filled with ingenious strategies and powerful teamwork, the dust settled in the stadium. The first 100 had passed, including all of the 1-A students. Kenzo and Aizawa exchanged approving nods as they witnessed the resilience of their students.

The interlude allowed a brief moment of relief before the second phase of the provisional hero licence exam commenced. In this phase, the students faced a simulated disaster zone, challenging their rescue and disaster response skills. The scenario presented a complex and dynamic environment with various obstacles, injured civilians, and unpredictable hazards.

Kenzo watched as his students sprinted into action. From Midoriya's quick thinking to Uraraka's innovative use of her Quirk, each member of Class 1-A demonstrated their unique strengths. The simulated disaster zone turned into a stage for heroism, with the U.A. students working diligently to rescue civilians and mitigate potential threats.

Aizawa, leaning against the railing, observed silently. The scenario was designed to assess not only their combat abilities but also their compassion and quick decision-making skills in high-stress situations.

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