Chapter 62

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As Kenzo entered Endeavor's agency, he was met with a whirlwind of activity. Staff and sidekicks rushed back and forth, their faces etched with urgency as they prepared for the impending crisis. The atmosphere was tense, a palpable sense of anxiety hanging in the air.

Navigating through the bustling corridors, Kenzo made his way to the elevator, his mind filled with memories of his internship here during his time at UA. He remembered the long hours and rigorous training, but also the invaluable lessons he had learned under Endeavor's guidance.

As the elevator doors slid open on the 10th floor, Kenzo stepped out into the familiar surroundings of Endeavor's office. The space was spacious yet imposing, with dark wood furnishings and large windows offering sweeping views of the city below.

Endeavor sat alone in the dimly illuminated office, his figure cast in shadows against the glow of the monitors displaying the city's chaos. The weight of defeat hung heavy in the air as he watched the turmoil unfold, his once-proud posture now slumped with resignation.

"Aero," he began, his voice heavy with despair, "citizen morale has hit rock bottom. And rightfully so. After the truth of my past, of how I treated my family, surfaced... No one trusts me anymore."

Kenzo's stoic expression betrayed no emotion as he absorbed Endeavor's words, his eyes fixed on the troubled hero.

"The truth was bound to come out eventually. But the timing couldn't have been worse. I've tried to change, Ikari, I truly have. But they refuse to see it," Endeavor continued, his voice laced with defeat.

"But you're still the number one hero," Kenzo countered, his voice cutting through the somber atmosphere. "People need someone to look up to, someone to inspire hope."

Endeavor let out a bitter laugh, his gaze distant as he shook his head. "Maybe it's time that someone wasn't me," he muttered, his voice heavy with self-doubt.

"So you're... giving up?" Kenzo's tone was incredulous, filled with a hint of desperation.

The silence that followed was suffocating, filled only by the faint hum of the monitors. Endeavor didn't reply, his silence speaking volumes.

"You can't give up," Kenzo insisted, his voice tinged with urgency. "If you do, thousands will die."

In that moment, Kenzo's voice rang out with a raw intensity, echoing through the dimly lit office like a clarion call.

"Let me share something with you," he continued, his words carrying the weight of his own past traumas. "When I was seventeen, my girlfriend Hana died. I quit being a hero because of that. And now that I'm a hero again, it kills me to know that there were many lives I could've saved if I had stayed. Do you really want to live with that guilt? I've lost so many people. My mother, Dalia, Hana, Fuyumi. I've been assaulted, attacked, even by your own son Dabi. But I'm still here, telling you it's not over. So pick yourself up, and get back to work."

With those words hanging in the air, Kenzo turned on his heel and strode out of the office, leaving Endeavor to grapple with the weight of his decision in the silent darkness.

Kenzo stormed out of Endeavor's agency, his jaw clenched in frustration as he muttered curses under his breath. The weight of the situation with Endeavor hung heavily on his shoulders.

As he reached the bustling streets outside, his phone vibrated in his pocket, interrupting his thoughts. With a sigh, he pulled it out and saw the caller ID: Hero public Safety Commission. His grip on the phone tightened, a scowl forming on his face.

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