Chapter 10

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" Subhanallah, Oh my God he saw me without hijab" I said panicking as I stared into the mirror in front of me.

" don't beat yourself up na , you didn't know he was there" maryam said as she and layla entered the room.

" I should have worn my hijab before going downstairs, this isn't my house" I said slumping on my bed .

"It's fine , come and have breakfast we have a lot of things to do" layla said patting my back.

"Can you send someone to bring it up for me, I can't face him right now" I said pouting and they nodded and went out .

I got dressed in a blue atampa with my hijab since there were still some traditional processions this morning before the nikkah .

After I got dressed , I ate breakfast and went downstairs when I was sure he was no longer there. I greeted mine and layla's parents .

Bilal's family had arrived ,cause they have to traditionally ask for layla's hand in marriage again.

The maids were scurrying around carrying refreshments and everywhere was loud ,the elders were talking children were running around.

Our room was now full of layla's aunts and cousins .

" okay let's go downstairs it's time" mama said as she came into the room, everyone dispersed and maryam and I escorted layla downstairs .

she was dressed in a pink and black atampa which was beautifully decorated with stones and intricate embroidery, maryam also wore atampa but hers was yellow.

After layla's dad accepted the marriage by saying "I give you my daughters hand in marriage" .

it was now time for the bride price which was negotiated to 10 gold coins and it was paid .

We the took layla back upstairs to get ready for the nikkah , after she got dressed I helped her line her eyes with kohl and put some balm on her lips , then her mom and grandma came in for the advice session .

The session took almost an hour and we were getting quite late , we got into the car with 3 of laylas cousins who were bride's maids .

Since there would be no free mixing at the wedding , the males sat on the left females on the right and elders, the married and kids in the middle .

Maryam collects the nikkah papers from her brother and layla signs it .Then the imam began .

"Do you give your daughters hand in marriage to bilal Abdulaziz son of Muhammed Nagairi " the imam asked layla's father and he replied

" yes , I give my daughters hand in marriage to bilal Abdulaziz Nagairi " .

" Do you Layla daughter of shehu Nasir accept bilal Nagari as your husband with the meher ( bride price ) of ten gold coins " he asked layla

" I do" she replied and then after asking her three times , he asked bila the same question

"I do" he replied .

"Alhamdulilah, congratulations to the couple" the imam said after the sermon

Food and drinks were passed out and everyone was eating and chattering , bilal and layla went around thanking the guests for attending while maryam and I received the wedding gifts .

"Sumayya come with me " my mom said and dragged to a table where layla's grandparents and parents sat with some other people .

" This is my daughter , sumayya " my mom said to a couple and I greeted

"Salamalikum sir and ma" i said .

"She's a really beautiful young lady " the man said and I smiled thanking him
I knew what my mother was trying to do, probably to matchmake me with one of their sons or nephews .

Nigerian weddings are not nice to single ladies , I tell you .

After the brunch ,it was now time for layla to go to bilals House, everyone went with her .

She hugged her mom and her grandma crying , before she came to hug me and maryam , I am really happy for my bestfriend .

" please take of her brother , I pass the bestie title to you" I said to bilal and he smiled nodding

" shut up joor , you're still my bestfriend" layla said before we hugged each other and cried .

I escorted layla to their bedroom before I left , when I got back out almost all the cars were gone except a few which I suspected belong to people from the grooms family .

oh God did they forget me I thought in my mind , even maryam was gone .

"Get in" Ya ammar said dropping his car beside me

" no its fine, thanks" I said

" get in , your mom asked me to drop you " he said and I nodded and got into the car .

There an awkward silence as he drove so I decided to play a game on my phone for the mean time .

"Thank you" I said getting down from the car and he nodded before driving off.

" maryam , how could you guys leave me like that" I said stomping into the living room .

"Sorry we thought you were quite busy with layla" she said with a creepy smile on her face and I just shaked my head at her .

I spent the rest of the evening packing myself stuff as our flight back to lagos was tomorrow .

"We're not going tomorrow again" my dad said while we were having dinner .

"Why dad?" I asked confused as we no longer have anything to do here.

" We're going to be meeting the family that sent you a proposal " he said and my heart pounded in my chest.

" don't worry , you will meet him first and if you don't like him we won't accept the proposal " my Mom said and I nodded before asking

"why do I have to get married so early" .

" it's not early , sumayya you're already 25 and you have a good job what else is left " my dad said

" And don't think we want you to get married because you're a burden on us , you're our daughter and we love you and want the best for you" my Mom said and my dad nodded in agreement.

Ya Allah , I pray he's a good man and muslim I said in my mind .

Ammar's Pov

I sat eating breakfast with layla, maryam and eman who insisted that I fed her.

I had come to pick up her this morning and layla insisted that I stayed for breakfast .

For some reason l felt sad that sumayya wasn't here with us .

" dad can I get married like aunty layla" eman asked as I fed her breakfast and we all laughed .

" yes but you have to grow up like her " I replied and she nodded .

"Morning guys" I heard a voice say , God I knew that soft voice any where it was sumayya , I turned to look at her .

My eyes widened as I saw her , she wasn't wearing hijab , she was dressed in some shorts and a baggy tshirt with her long hair down . God , she looked really beautiful and cute .

Maryam and layla also looked at her in shock

she said "what " before looking in my direction, I quickly averted my gaze down .

She quickly ran out of the kitchen ,she must have not known that I was here .

Since when am I into girls like her I said in my mind , I mean am a muslim but I am not the halal type as I've had girlfriends and done other stuff too
She definitely was the halal type cause she always wore hijab around me and never talked to guys except her brother .

I picked up Eman and left , so she could move around freely in the house .


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