Chapter 29

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I couldn't forgive myself for everything I've done to sumayya and each time I feel more guilty when she forgives me and decides to give me another chance.
She has the heart of gold, coupled with all the problems I've been giving her , she has my mother to deal with and also eman to take care of . And she has handled everything so well, I just can't hurt her anymore .

" The jet is ready sir" my secretary said and I nodded. I lied sumayya that I will be gone on a business trip for a week , she would feel betrayed when she finds out but its a risk I have to take for us to get better. I am going to London for therapy with a psychologist for 3 months. The only people who are aware are my siblings ,layla and bilal even my parents don't know and I just can't bring myself to tell sumayya yet atleast until am cured from it.

" Ismail ,don't forget to send my wife the package every Sunday till I return " i
said to my secretary before going into the jet.

I wiped my tears and prayed to Allah to give me strength to survive this three months without them. My beautiful wife and daughter.

Time skip.

It's been two weeks since ammar left on a business trip and he hasn't returned , I was already panicking because I couldn't get through to his phone and he hasn't returned even though he told me he would be back , though he had been sending me a package of gifts every week.

I decided to call bilal and layla to ask if they knew anything , though I refrained from calling them before because they had left for their honeymoon/vacation last week and I didn't want to disturb them. But now I had no choice.

" Salamalikum bilal" I said as he picked the call
"Walaikumsalam sumayya ,how are you and eman?" He asked .

" Alhamdulilah we are fine , how is layla" I asked

" she's fine , she's not here now though , she stepped out for a while" he replied.

" I wanted to ask if you've heard from ammar , he hasn't been responding to my text or calls" I said

" he won't be back for atleast 3 months sumayya" he said and I froze.

" why , is something wrong with him." I asked dreading his answer

" No he's fine , no need for you to be worried and as for the reason, I can't tell you but I know he will be back in three months" he replied and I breathed as sigh of relief to know that he was fine . Bilal is a very honest person which I know from all the time we've know each other , so I believe him.

" why can't you tell me , please tell me bilal" I said over the phone , I could hear him sigh as I talked.

"I'm sorry sumayya, ammar asked me not to tell you" he replied

" okay thank you , my regards to layla , tell her to buy me gifts when you guys are coming back" I said.

" sure , she's been shopping for you and eman since we got here" he replied.

" you guys have a good time , bye" I said and hung up.

I can't believe ammar lied to me , I felt betrayed that he wouldn't tell me anything.

I quickly went downstairs to start my work, hajiya Ammar's mom moved in after he travelled and she didn't come alone , she came with zaheedah .

Hajiya has been toturing me since they came , hajiya sacked atika and dede . Now I do all the work in the house and cook before I go to work. I've been even more stressed lately with my job , housework and ammar.

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