Chapter 47

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" how tight is my schedule today" ammar asked Ismail, his personal assistant as he came into his office.

" very tight today sir , the building members are coming in for a meeting today ." Ismail replied and ammar nodded massaging the sides of his head.He had promised to take sumayya and eman out for dinner this night cause it is eman's fifth birthday and since it wasn't really a celebration they decided to just go to the park and dinner, he didn't know if he would finish on time.

This was the second time he was cancelling dinner on them this week, he had been trying to finish up all his work before they travel on their honeymoon.

He was pondering on how to tell sumayya that he has to cancel again, normally she would understand but ever since she got pregnant she's been having mood swings and she can snap at anytime.

" Salamalikum bro!" Bilal said startling him , " when did you come in?" Ammar asked confused about when he entered the office.

" while you were deep in your thoughts, what are you thinking about?" Bilal said taking a seat as ammar stood up and went to sit beside him on the sofa.

" my schedule is very tight today, I don't know how am going to tell sumayya that I have to cancel" ammar said with a sigh before resting back against the sofa.

" let me guess, sumayya has really bad mood swings abi?" Bilal said

" you know it , does layla have mood swings too" ammar asked and bilal nodded.

" she's very cranky these days" bilal wait and ammar nodded in understanding.

" but they are never cranky to each other , she was so jolly when she saw sumayya this morning when I dropped her off" bilal said and they both laughed.

" she practically angry at everything these days, yesterday she was angry that I didn't get her suya when I was coming back from office , when she clearly said she didn't want anything when I asked her." Ammar said and bilal laughed shaking his head.

" let's get down to business then you can continue thinking about how to tell sumayya that you're cancelling " bilal said and ammar glared at him playful before walking up to his desk and laying out some prints.


" mommy?" Eman said as we sat at the dinning table, we were having breakfast a little late today.

  "Yes what is it?" I asked looking up from my phone.

  " if I eat all of my food can I get a new car" she said and I faked gasped.

  " are you kidding me , yes you can get a new car , if you finish your food" I said and layla laughed.

  " infact if you finish your food , I will buy you  a car store" I said and she quickly sped up her eating pace while layla shaked her head at us.

" whose money are we spending?" I asked smiling at her.

" daddy" she replied and we hi fived, while layla just kept laughing " that's my girl , finish up and we can go" I said wiping her mouth with a napkin and she screamed "yayyy!"

" eman we can't get that, I bought you a new car last week plus we just got another new car today" I said to eman as she pouted, we were now at the mall and Eman was throwing a tantrum over a car toy that she wanted after she got three other toys.

  " but I want this one" eman said giving me puppy eyes before she started stomping her feet on the floor.

  " young lady, you will behave yourself while we are here or no more toys for you" I said in a fake angry voice and she nodded and dropped the toy back. I wouldhave gotten it for her but she still had so much new toys that she hadn't even opened at home.

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