Chapter 33

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He came into the room after going to the mosque for fajr ,but came back to meet his wife just sitting quietly. It's been three days since they came home and she hasn't said a word to him.

" sumayya I know you're angry, but if could just let me explain" he said desperately as he took a seat beside her on the bed.

" why should I listen to you , did you listen to me before you abandoned me for months?" She asked with a neutral face.

" I know sumayya but ple-" he was saying before she cut him off standing up angrily from the bed.

" you don't know anything ammar , you don't. Why did you even marry me huh?, is it to have a trophy wife that you can treat anyhow and abandon whenever you like?" Sumayya asked him , she was no breathing heavily and tears were starting to stream down her face.

" No that's not what you are" he said trying to come closer to her but she stopped him with her hand.

" what happened to talking it out, you never ask for my opinion in anything ,you just go ahead and do whatever you like regardless of how it will affect me" she said and he looked down avoiding her eyes.

" do you even love me as you claim?" She asked as sobs racked through her body .

" I love you , I really do " he said pleading her with his eyes.

" no you don't, if you did you would have trusted me enough to tell me the truth about you, every other person knew except me , your wife." She said stopping to take a breath.

" I wanted to tell you , bu-" he said before she stopped him again.

" you wanted to , but you didn't. Do you even consider me as someone in your life , cause if you did you would have shared everything with me , your insecurities and past " she said looking at him.

" do you know why I put up with everything, I did it because you're my husband and I love you . I put up with all your mother's taunts because I believe we're supposed to endure for each other. I put up with your ex girlfriend because we're married and we are supposed to have each other's backs. But no what do you do , you just take off like that and leave me to suffer and handle everything all by myself. I did everything I did in this marriage for your sake , I could have chosen to become enemies and fight your mother but I didn't because she's your mother.
I have to call your attention to every little thing , you barely even care about how I fare. And you know what , I'm tired of suffering for mistakes that are your own" she said sliding onto the floor and crying .

His heart broke more to the fact that he was the cause of his wife's tears, he'd hurt her way more than he had imagined .

" sumayya, please am sorry for everything, I will change, it I'll be a better husband and I know sorry isn't enough b-" he was saying before she cut him off with a scoff.

"Even you know sorry won't be enough, that's why I want something from you" she said sniffing as she wiped her tears.

"What is it , I will give you whatever you want " he said eagerly .

" I want divorce" she said in one tone dropping the bomb. He could felt like he had died when he heard divorce.

" what are you saying ,Ewa?" He asked in a panicky voice holding her by her shoulders.

" I said I want a divorce , you clearly don't trust me ,why should I say with a man who doesn't trust me as his wife" she said removing his hands from her shoulders and standing up to go out.

" I would be mad to give you divorce" he said which made her stop in her tracks.

" why ammar , why ? Just let me go am tired of everything " she said crying again.

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