Chapter 58

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Ammar quickly pushed her away from him while wiping his lips in disgust. Annoyance and anger filled him from just looking at her, he couldn't believe what just happened.

" GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY CAR" He said shouting at her, his voice thundered with fury and naila quickly scrambled out of the car in fear.

He angrily got down from the car and went towards naila as she shivered in fear when she noticed the anger swimming in his eyes.

" Don't you ever try that rubbish again in your life" he said in a low scary voice while gritting his teeth angrily. Naila just shivered in fear while nodding , she'd never seen him this angry.

" don't you have any sense of boundary, I'm a non mahram" he said , naila sighed at what he said. She realised that he us angry with het because they were not yet mahrams to each other

" I really like you ammar, I've liked you since we met in Uni, I will talk yo my dad to send a proposal yo your family so we can get married " naila said smiling shyly. Ammar couldn't help but scoff in disbelief , this girl is delusional .

" what is wrong with you, I gave evry hint that I am not interested but you were too delusional to pick up any of them" he said with a sigh of disbelief.

" what are you talking about, I know you like me too. You don't have to be shy, we are going to get married soon" naila said blushing profusely.

" Are you okay at all, I am not intrested in getting married to you. I am happily married to my wife, so don't ever try his again" he said angrily in a final tone and turned back to enter the car . Leaving a very shocked naila speechless from the news she just heard.

Naila couldn't believe her ears, tge one who she'd been in love with for years was married to another woman.

" is it sumayya" she asked as he was about to enter the car making him halt and he turned around to answer her.

" yes , she's my wife and I expect that you stay away from me snd my wife from this very moment" he said and naila fell to the floor with a gasp.

Everything began to click, she then realised why sumayya was around so much and why sumayya's daughter had a similarity to ammar's sister.

" you're married with a child" she said not believing what was going on.

" I don't want to ever see you again, if you make as much as an attempt to contact me or my family , I will make sure your father's empire crumbles right in front of your eyes" he said before getting into his car and driving off.

Naila shakily brought out her phone and called safiyya.

Ammar stopped by the side of the road and parked, he hit the steering wheel in anger. He had just unintentionally cheated on his wife. He couldn't believe it.

He then sat in he car blaming himself for letting her get so close to him , he began to think if how he would break the news to sumayya . At this moment ,sumayya's call came in and he just looked at it before leaving the phone to ring.

He can't face her, what would he tell her. How would she react . These questions kept running through his mind.

He sighed before starting the car and driving to layla's place to pick maryam and eman.


" daddy!" Eman squealed , running towards her father as she saw him enter into the house.

Ammar smiled and bent down yo pick her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him.

" daddy I missed you, why did you not come fast" she said with a cute pout and he smiled .

ALLURED : [#bound by attraction]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt