Chapter 12

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I lay on my bed trying to find the best position to read my book , we came back from kaduna yesterday and evr since we arrived back I've just been feeling restless and uneasy. I was to give my decision this morning , I've prayed istkhara and prayed to Allah to give guidance .

It was now that I understood the real entity of marriage , definitely going to be full of decisions . I've decided to say yes to the proposal for some reason that I don't understand myself , it's currently 3:45 am in the morning and am sure I look like a savaged panda considering the fact that I've been awake all night.

I can't call layla cause she's now married and i wouldn't want to disturb her time with her husband because u can't decide who I want as my own husband , I decided to ring maryam after some thought , I mean they say if you want to know someone real personality ask their siblings .

"Walaikumsalam " maryam replied chirpy over the phone " were you not sleeping" I asked surprised that she wasn't cranky .

" nope , I have exams so am catching up on some notes " she replied
" what do you think about your brother" I ask stupidly , i mean who asks someone sibling that kind of question about them.

" he's not a bad person , sumi I mean though he's been a little icy ever since adda amna's death but am sure you can melt that off, but the decision is yours to make and I would love to have you as my sister" she said and I chuckled over the phone .

"Thanks maro , make sure to ace your exams" I said before hanging up . I decided to pray nafil before it time for fajr , I then picked up my quran and read my favourite surah [An-Naba] .

" I'm coming" I told kemi who had come to wake me up , I slept back after fajr only to wake up at eleven o'clock, I groggily stood up from my bed and went to the toilet to freshen up. Since I wasn't going anywhere today, I just put on a black baggy shorts and a pink free blouse to go with it .

I huffed rubbing my shoulders , my hands have been up in my hair for mi utes trying to tame them into hair bands , my hair blows up in a curly afro mess anytime water touches it , I've had to straighten anytime they were not in braids . After succeeding in putting my hair in two puffs on both sides of my head I head downstairs .

I met my family having breakfast, baedhor had also come to visit so we were all having breakfast together
"Here comes the latest bride" baedhor teased and I waved her off " we aren't even married yet" I said before picking up the serving spoon and dishing a minimal amount of biriyani into my plate , I added some fried plantain and peppered chicken to the side .

"So what's your answer sumayya" my dad asked and I looked up from my place dropping my spoon .
"My answer is yes" I said calmly sighing, a smile brightened my father's face and my mom patted my head smiling .

"Congratulations " my brother and sister said wiggling their eyebrows and I smiled waving them off .

After breakfast my parents left to speak with my grandpa while I picked up a call from layla " congrats, i can't believe you're getting married " layla said before squealing loudly over the phone
" thanks so how is married life treating you" I asked " good , bilal treats me so well " she said .

"Forget my married life , I can't believe my two favourite people are getting married " she said before squealing again . We hung up after talking for almost an hour.


I smiled as i got off the phone with layla
" what's making my wife so happy" bilal said as he came into the room and kissed my forehead " sumi agreed to marry ya ammar " I said " that's really good news I've always thought they will be good for each other " he said and I nodded .

"Come downstairs for some snacks when you're done talking to ya ammar" I said to bilal who nodded before resuming talking on the phone .

We moved to our house in abuja after spending 2 days in his parents house , his family were really caring towards me . My mother in law is a sweet woman who I've formed quite an amazing relationship with. And bilal , I thank God for the man he gave me , bilal is sweet ,caring , understanding, loving I can't even find words for his remaining qualities, it's been amazing with him over a few days and I look forward to the rest of our lives together.


I was quite happy to hear that layla agreed to marry me , I admire for her unique qualities .Most of the other women my family had sent proposals to refused to marry me because I have a daughter . I thank God that I didn't marry any of them ,it gave me the chance to meet sumayya. Though I font really know her but I've heard amazing things about her from layla and bilal.

Even my grandparents and Eman were smitten by her even though they just met .

Eman has been asking when we would go to see her, since she'd returned back to lagos , I decided to drop her off at laylas house so that they can speak over the phone.

I've also returned back to abuja after the wedding . Eman would be thrilled to find out that sumayya will be her mother , she really leaves an impact on everyone.Though I have her number I haven't called her cause I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, layla says it okay for us to chat from time to time since our marriage is fixed.


🥳🥳🥳 OMG , she said yesss
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