Chapter 17

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I groaned as I heard my phone ring the adhaan for fajr , I felt for my phone on the side table and put it off , I couldn't move as Ammar's arms were locked around my waist and his head buried in my neck , he is breathing warmly onto my skin.

" Ammar it's time for fajr" I said nudging him and trying to get out of his grip , he loosened it a bit and I turned to face him .

My God he looked so handsome , he has very deep dimples that would pop up at the slightest change in his face movement , I gently caressed his beard grinning like a high-school teenager.

" Ammar " I called him again removing my hand from his face.

" you finally called my name " he said in a deep husky voice , I could feel the vibrations in his chest as he spoke .

After snuggling into my neck for a few more minutes , he kissed my head and went into the bathroom, while he was in , I took a moment to look at our room properly and it was quite elegant I must say. But it still needs some touch up .

I went into Eman's room to check on her , and my little baby was still asleep all snuggled up in her blankets , I adjusted the heater since its rainy season and its quite cold.

I couldn't go back to sleep since am already used to being awake at this time of the morning . Yawning I walked downstairs to the living room where I saw a petite woman vacuuming the room.

"Good morning ma , my name is atika I handle all cleaning around the house" she said rubbing her hands on her dress .

"Morning atika" I said and left for the kitchen where I found another woman cleaning the kitchen table , though she was quite taller than atika .
" morning ma, my name is dede , I handle kitchen affairs " she said and I nodded, I must say they do their jobs quite well . Neat and quiet , I barely even noticed that there was someone in the house . I just made myself a cup of lipton and sat down to drink.

I asked atika of there were other maids, turns out that there only three. It just her , dede and some other woman who is eman's nanny.

I went back into our room where Ammar was sitting on the bed with his laptop while typing , layla already told me how much of a workaholic he is.

" if you had told me you were so devoted to your other wife I wouldn't have married you" I said walking to sit by his side .

"What other wife" he said frowning in confusion . "Work" I said taking the laptop out of his hands and setting it on the side table .

" come on I want to know more about my husband and daughter" I said and he chuckled pulling me closer, I don't know what gave me the courage to say that . His presence just gives me this weird comfort and warm feeling.

" I thought you were shy" he said looking at me intently , I just looked away with heat rushing up to my cheeks.

" why don't you go downstairs with eman and I will join you guys in 10 minutes" he said and I smiled and nodded .

When I got to eman's room ,she was seated up on her bed rubbing her eyes so i figured she just woke up.
"Mommmy!" She said as she saw me and I hugged her " did my baby sleep well" I asked and she nodded with a toothy grin .

I took her to the bathroom to brush her teeth " I brushed yesterday" she said pouting in front of the sink, " so if you brushed yesterday you should not brush today" I asked and she nodded.

" so you had breakfast yesterday, then you shouldn't have breakfast today, you had sweets yesterday that means no sweets today" I said with a fake gasp , she looked at me with wide eyes before grabbing her toothbrush and trying to brush herself . I laughed and helped her brush her teeth .

I bathed her and washed her hair before taking her to the closet to dress her up . I picked out a cute little dress and a sweater since it was quite chilly .

We went downstairs to the kitchen where I met dede "what should I make for breakfast ma" she asked and I shaked my head " don't worry I will handle breakfast " I said and she nodded stepping aside though she still waited to show me where the ingredients were.

" what do you usually cook for breakfast" I asked dede " I usually make toast, eggs and tea" she replied . Since they usually have a not so light breakfast I decided on potatoes and chicken sauce after asking eman. It was originally liver sauce but since the house was stocked up , there was no liver so I just used the chicken available .

I made eman a cup of chocolate nesquik. And I decided to use my brewing skills to make coffee for my husband since I don't drink coffee.

I heard ammar talking to eman who was at the dinning table , so I finished up with the coffee. " you know that was more than ten minutes" I said and he raised his hands and said " guilty" . I gave him his coffee and sat down with eman who kept offering me a sip of her tea.

" what did you add in this coffee" he said after taking a sip "what's wrong , dose it taste bad" I asked .
" no am just saying its different, the good different" he said and I smiled " well I just added a little dash of sweet coconut milk when I heard you drink only black" I said and he nodded

" thank God we're married " he said and I asked " why" . " so you can make this for me every morning" he said and I chuckled . The coconut milk gave it a creamy and golden colour.

"So you got any questions you want to ask" he said sipping his coffee.

" do you or eman have any allergies" I asked " eman's is allergic to beans , anything beans is a no no for her" he said and I nodded noting that I won't cook beans for her . "And I don't have any allergies" he said.


Thank you guyz don't forget to vote, share and comment .
~ nana🥰

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