Chapter 35

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I unbuckled eman's car seat and helped her get down when we got to the picnic venue. The area was really serene and full of greenery, it was quite hard to find a place like this in nigeria.

I held eman's hand in my left hand ,while my right was occupied with the food basket, ammar was also carrying one basket full of snacks, I made a red velvet cake and some fruit pops for the kids.

" Ya ammar" a lady of about my age said before flinging herself onto my husband. "Hanifa" ammar said in a clipped tone, pushing her hands away from his body .

" ya ammar, didn't you miss me?"She said with a fake pout , before she tried to place her hand on his shoulder again , but I intervened introducing myself.

" Salamalikum I'm sumayya, ammar's wife" I said with an overly sweet smile and her eyes widened.

" you got married?" She asked and ammar nodded pulling me closer by my waist and I put on a small smirk.

She stomped her feet angrily and glared at me before going away. " that is Hanifa, she our cousin and she's been trying to get married to your husband for years now" layla said to me and I nodded.

" how come she doesn't know about our wedding" I asked setting up the food I brought on the table ,alongside all the other food.

" she's a model , so she travels a lot , she was out of the country at the time of your wedding" layla replied.

"Eman ,go and play with the rest of the kids" I said ,collecting her iPad from her , I've been trying to get her to socialize more.

" but I want to stay here " she said with a small pout.

"Mommy will be sad if you don't play " I said putting on a sad face , she fell for it and went to join the other kids.

" just follow me and greet everyone I greet " layla said as we were going to greet the elders, who were sitted at a table under the tree.

"Salamalikum ma" I said squatting a little as I greeted a group of women who sat side by side after layla had greeted them.

" layla , who is this girl?" One of the women asked and she replied " it's ya ammar's wife ma" .

We exchanged pleasantries and one of the women even hugged me. " those her part of the nice ones" layla said and I nodded.

" greet this one in hausa, she is hajiya nana your father in law's elder sister" layla whispered as we walked towards a woman who looked like she was in her late sixties , she had a dark complexion and a slim figure , she was sitting beside hanifa.

"Ina wuni ma" I said squatting a bit , "layla, wacece wanna ? [Layla who is this?]" She asked as her eyes scanned me .

" matar ya ammar [ya ammar's wife]" layla replied and a frown immediately marred her face.

"Ammar yayi aure babu Wanda yace min[ammar got married and nobody told me]"she said in an angry tone, before she got up and walked to where my FIL was sitting with his parents and my MIL.

" Yaya, why didn't you tell me that ammar got married" she said to my FIL angrily .

" I told him not to tell you because I knew you would act like this" ammar's grandpa said to her .

" Abba, how could you do this , even after I sent a marriage proposal for him to get married to hanifa" she said to her father fuming , while hanifa just kept on glaring at me.

" I took the decision,because I felt she was best for ammar" grandpa said to her.

" Yaya,so you agreed to get your son married to this yarinya mai Kiba instead of my hanifa [ugly fat girl] " she said and I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

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