Chapter 51

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The surgery was still on going, so we all went to went to the hospital's mosque to pray , layla and the others had also arrived . I urged ammar to take a walk with my seeing how he was full of anxiety. We were seating under a tree for some fresh air when ammar suddenly hugged his face into my chest and burst out in quiet sobs, I hugged him closer while patting his back without saying anything cause I knew he needed the silence.

   I knew how much his grandpa meant to him, he'd explained how his grandfather took him under his wing when his parents marriage crashed and his mom changed ,plus anyone who has seen them interact would know how much of a strong bond they had.

  After he calmed down we went back inside the waiting area, a few minutes after the doctors emerged from the OR and everyone quickly went closer.

  " the surgery was a success, he's been transferred to a room, I'd like to see you in my office" the doctor said to ammar , everyone was relived .

  I held mama's hand and followed the nurse who was taking us to Baba's room, while ammar and my grandpa went to see the doctor.


" Though this surgery was a success he will still have to undergo another one after he wakes up " the doctor said

  " but why" ammar asked confused.

  " we found out that one of his carotid artery is very weak and can easily rupture which can cause internal bleeding , so we will need to replace it " he said and they both nodded.

  " we will perform the surgery maybe a day after he wakes up , because it is also quite urgent" the doctor said

  " apart from that is there any other problem" ammar asked

  " no, he should be fine once we finish the surgery" the doctor said and asked a nurse to direct them to the grandfather's room.


" you guys can go yo the airport now, ammar has the private jet ready" I said to my parents and siblings and they nodded, they had stayed until the surgery was over and now it was already evening, they had to leave cause my dad had some business that he couldn't miss tomorrow.

  Ammar got a car to take them to the airport, everyone had now gone back to the family house to wait, it was just me,layla, bilal , my grandpa ,Mama and ammar , maryam had gone back with eman too.cause eman was starting to get sleepy and hungry.

  I sat with mama as she slowly dozed off with her head on my shoulder , ammar helped lay her down on the extra bed . I then went downstairs to get us some food since we were all starting to get hungry.

  After eating,  ammar urged ayla and I to go back home and we could return tomorrow while he and bilal stay . We agreed after a lot of coercing and the driver took us home.


" you will apologize right now !" I said to
Eman,who was standing angrily with disheveled hair.

  Layla and I had arrived at the house to meet ammar and one of ammar's cousin's daughter fighting.

  " but mommy she was the one who started it, she insulted you" eman said with an angry glare at the girl.

  " it was clearly your  mannerless daughter that started everything " the girl's mother said and I just sighed in anger.

" it's a lie mom, she called you a gold digger and a bitch" eman said in anger

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