Chapter 19

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Turns out where we live is called Asokoro while layla and bilal lived in maitama , we also went to wuse ,where I got some humidifiers for the house.

" take it easy wifey , you have the time in the world to buy things for the house" Ammar said as he drove out of a shopping complex where we purchased some kitchen ware and also design pieces for the house.

" I know but I want everything to be perfect for tomorrow " I said giving eman a piece of biscuit, I was sitting in the back with eman while Ammar drove.

" I know but they will understand that we just got married" he said switching his left hand onto the steering wheel.

" But I want to make a good first impression " I said and he nodded " that doesn't mean you should out do yourself" he said and I nodded smiling at him .

" can you stop at a supermarket I need to get some groceries for the house" I said and Ammar shaked his head.

" I thought we just talked about something , dede can do that" he said parking the car.

" I know but it just some spices and ingredients for tomorrow " I said and went into the supermarket with eman while Ammar stayed back to receive a phone call.

I just hopped they had all the ingredients I want cause I plan on cooking biryani tomorrow , I hold eman's hand and used the other to pick up the things I need.

After picking all the things I needed, I went to the counter and paid for the stuff, before picking up the bags and going out with eman.

"Did you get everything " he asked as we sat in the car , he nodded and started to drive home , eman and I were playing with some toys.

I need to go shopping properly , cause I need some clothes I also have to incorporate hijabs into eman's wardrobe .

" I need your account number" he said driving through the estate gate .
"What for" I asked cleaning eman's mouth with a tissue, she'd been munching on some snacks on our way home .

" I need to send some money for the household and yourself " he said pressing on the horn as he stopped in front of the house gates.

" you don't have to do that I will get a job soon , plus I still have some savings" I said as the gates open , I could see Musa the gate man scurrying to open it fast.

" yes I do, I'm your husband sumayya " he said before driving into the compound .

Atika and dede came out to get the shopping bags while I took eman and went into the house . I went to eman's room to give her a bath and changed her clothes which was stained with some snack filling .

I wrapped her up In a towel after a quick shower , " I'm a big gal " eman said trying to put on her clothes by herself , I smiled at her and helped her.

I then went up to our room , after Ammar took eman with him to the mosque to pray dhur[ afternoon prayer].

The menstrual cramps were beginning to set in , I took some painkillers and soaked my self in warm water in the bathtub , after which I changed my clothes into a free blouse and some Jean shorts .

I laid on the bed trying to find a comfortable position to lay in , the cramps were now fully blown. Atika had arranged my wardrobe before I came so I didn't have anything to do .

" heyyy amarya" maryam and layla screamed as I picked the call, maryam was staying with layla for the meanwhile before she returns to school. I tried to invite her to stay with us but she said she wants to give us some couple time.

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