Chapter 41

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I gently pulled the towel off my wet hair before I started my morning skincare routine. I had just finished a nice soaking in the bathtub, I was now getting ready for the breakfast outing which will most likely become brunch , given that the time is past ten o'clock and nobody was ready - even layla and bilal haven't arrived.

I already made eman some nesquik , while ammar and I had some oats , so we weren't really hungry for now.

After my skincare , I sat infront of the dresser and tried to blow dry my hair but today was not just it for me. I was feeling extremely tired.

After a few tangles of my hair , I finally decided to call ammar to help me with it, he'd stayed with eman while I took my bath.

I put on my dressing robe and put my hair in a much dryer towel before going downstairs.

I smiled as I saw ammar and eman sitting at the dinning table , he was bust teaching her arabic. He'd taken over her arabic lessons ever since he arrived from the 3 month trip.Though I still take some lessons when he's extremely busy at the office.

He'd had completely changed when he arrived from the trip , he had changed as a muslim. He became more doting with his deen , he doesn't miss any of his prayers , he offers tahajjud , he reads the quran on daily basis.

He doesn't miss jum'ah prayers on Friday, he even mandated it for us all to listen to a Deen class every Friday evening ,so that we can learn new things.

This has effected a lot of habit in eman , she prayed quite well for a four year old , she joins ammar to read the quran every morning before she goes to school.

Alhamdulilah,I muttered , I was really grateful that Allah [SWT] bestowed his guidance upon my family.

" Ewa!" I heard Ammar call and I looked up at them , they both had confused expressions.

" you completely zoned out " ammar said and I smiled before waving it off.

" it's nothing" I said and they nodded , I then went into the kitchen where I met dede and atika huddled at the sink whispering to each other.

"What are you guys saying " I said opening the fridge to take out a bottle of water.

" Nothing ma " atika said but dede kept nudging her shoulder and muttering something to her, so I knew they had something to say.

" what is it ?" I asked sitting on one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

" atika is getting married" dede said quickly in one breath and I stood up with a smile before pulling atika into a hug.

" barakallahu feek, congratulations " I said to her and she smiled after saying thank you.

" so when is the wedding , don't worry you can take as much time as you need" I said and she smiled nodding.

" the wedding is in a month " dede said and I nodded witha teasing smile at atika .

" we are hereee!!" I heard Layla's voice from the kitchen , I slid off my long hijab from the hanger in the kitchen and wore it before going out.

I'd made hangers in the general place like the living room and kitchen , and I keep an hijab on each , so that no visitor will catch me unnoticed.

" baeee" layla said pulling me into a hug , I smiled and hugged her back.

" hope nothing , this that you're over hyper today" I said to layla and she gave me a small annoyed pout.

" you people should not stress my city girl with questions" bilal said wrapping his arms around layla shoulders. Ammar and I laughed and layla gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.

" eman, your mommy and daddy are bullying me "layla said to eman with a fake pout , eman just smiled hugging her as she lulled her tongue out at the rest of us.

" okay let's go we are already late as it is and I am starving" layla said as she plopped her self on the sofa.

" give me 5 minutes let me get dressed " I said before pulling ammar along with me to our room.

" you guys have a 10 minute romance time limit" layla shouted after us and I chuckled .

"My hair" I said to ammar with a pout ,pulling off the towel around my head. Ammar just smiled and picked up the hair dryer from the top of the dresser.

" you're such a good hairdresser" I said as he gently massaged in some oil into my hair.

" only for you babe" he said and I blushed red like a cherry tomato. The way he calls me babe erupts butterflies in my tummy and makes me feel like the most loved person in the world.

" I love that blush" he said into my ear as his beard trailed my earlobe and he started kissing my neck.

" ammar, we have people waiting for us" I said trying to stop him as he turned me to face him before he continued work on my neck.

" you smell so good " he said working his way down to my collarbone, my hands were gently working their way all over his back.

" no no" I said covering my lips with my palm as he wanted to kiss me , he groaned and kissed my forehead before letting me go.

I quickly went into the closet to get dressed, I decided on a soft pink and white abaya with black hijab , I also put on some white Nike sneakers.

I matched with a black Gucci clutch, ammar had hone back downstairs by the time I was done .

" oya , let's go" I said as I entered the living room , where they were all sitting.

" you look nicee" layla said before standing up and snatching my clutch from me. She had an obsession with bags and clutches.

" when did you get this one, I don't remember us buying this" she asked as she slid her fingers over the material of the clutch. We always shopped together , so she picks out all my purses and in return she let's me pick out her hijabs.

"I got it when I went shopping with my husband" I said with a smiley face and layla faked gasped.

" for your info , I have a husband too" she said before running over to bilal and cuddling into his side. I just shaked my head at her.

We all about to enter the car when the gates opened, a red rangerover drove in .

I gently let out a sigh cause I knew whose car it was. My mother in law's car.

She alighted the car with zaheedah and another woman , who I recognized to be one of my father in law's cousin.

I immediately knew we were not going anywhere again and to my dismay , her driver unloaded two suitcases from the car's trunk. My peace had ended at this moment, well except she'd changed her opinions about me.

I breathed in my last peaceful breath before walking towards her.


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