Chapter 11

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"Oooh" I said groaning as I felt someone tapping me , " let me sleep I've already prayed" I said .

"Wake up Sumayya" I heard my mom say and I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, I knew that voice she was being serious . Never mess with an Egyptian mom I tell you.

"Go and get ready, it almost eleven o'clock "she said and I nodded and went to the bathroom to freshen up , I slept for so long cause I was still quite tired from all the wedding activities.

"Sumi we're already late , come fast"my mom said from downstairs , I quickly applied lipbalm and put on my hijab after making sure that all my essentials were in my bag , I went downstairs to the living room where everyone was waiting for me.
We a got into the car and my dad drove , we were meeting them at my grandpa's house.

"Salamalikum sir and ma" I said greeting layla's grandparents, I wonderd why they were here .
" papa why are they here , are you guyz going to play tennis after we meet the family" I asked my grandpa sitting beside him .

"No dear, they are the family that sent the proposal" he replied smiling and I froze, wait that means they were asking for my hand in marriage for ya ammar ,
"Salamalikum " I heard someone say and I looked up , it was ya ammar , maryam and his dad .

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest why would they want me to marry him I thought in my mind, maryam smiled at me waving , then it clicked she and layla knew that's why they were acting weird .

"Why don't we let them talk first " mama, ya ammars grandma said and my parents nodded in affirmation , I led the way to the garden while maryam and him followed me . Since we can't be alone together maryam volunteered to follow us .

" quite surprising, I didn't think it was you my grandparents were talking about" ya ammar said

" I also didn't think it was you " I replied and he nodded
"Ask any questions you want" he said and I nodded

" Do you pray five times daily"
"No" he replied and I looked at him in shock .

" Do you fast in the moth of ramadan"
" yes" he replied .

" what do you think about me wearing hijab " I asked , I don't want a husband who is not okay with my hijab .
" yes , I'm fine with it I feel that women should dress modestly " he said
"Do you want to fulfil the sunnah of having more than one wife" I asked , I need to know if am going to have co wives .

"No I am not interested in that part of su nnah " he replied and I nodded taking a sip of my glass of water

" what is your relationship like with your mother and sister" I asked , if he has a good relationship with the females of his family then he will treat know how to treat a woman .

"my relationship my mom is okay and that of my sister is also quite cordial" he replied. I could see maryam smiling from the corner of my eyes , she was sitting on a chair about five feet away from us.

"Do you drink or smoke" I asked hoping that he didn't cause that would be the deal breaker , I can't marry someone who smokes or drinks .

" I did but I quit 4 years ago" he replied and I sighed thinking he used to drink .
" what's your opinion on working after marriage" I asked, I loved my job and want to continue it .

" I have no problem with it"he said

"Any past relationships " I asked a nd he nodded
" I've had a few girlfriends in the past " he replied .

" are you willing to build a better relationship with your deen" I asked , I felt that everybody needed a push when it comes to religion.

" yes , I am working on fixing my relationship with God" he replied.

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