Chapter 38

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" don't worry you can have a little icecream after you finish your food" I said to eman and she nodded speeding up her eating rate. I always watched like a hawk whenever she was eating ever since the allergy incident , we also decided not to get another nanny after we fired the first one.

"Moreee" eman said pouting as I put in some spoons of icecream in her bowl, she had a strong sweet tooth.

" This is enough for today baby, you can have more tomorrow " I said giving her the bowl and wiping her mouth of pasta sauce from dinner . I decided to make pasta for dinner cause I was hoping for a lovely dinner with my family but all today's events just spoiled it.

Dinner was quiet and uptight ,cause I was giving ammar the silent treatment .
I replied with hums anytime he asked questions until he got tired and went inside , he didn't even finish his food. I was feeling a bit guilty for not letting him finish dinner but to think of it again , he was the first to get me angry .How could he say something like that , my heart aches when I reminisce the scene.

I told Atika to get me some coffee icecream from the supermarket before going upstairs to our room.

" Ewa " Ammar said as I entered the room, he had changed his clothes so I knew he had freshened up . I just ignored him and went into the closet.

" babe listen" he said holding my hand but I just jerked my hand away from him.

" I don't want to listen to anything that you have to say" I said picking up my nightwear and going into the bathroom, I locked the door after me to prevent him from entering.

After a 35 minutes bath soak and a quick shower , I did my skincare and came out of the washroom.

Ammar was sitting on his side of the bed working on his laptop, but he immediately put it aside when I came to sit on the bed.

"Ewa ,I'm sorry" he said moving closer to me .

The scene came running back in to my head and my eyes clouded with tears, tears started to stream down my face. I dint even know the reason I was crying or maybe it was because my own husband didn't trust me enough with our daughter.

" please don't cry" he said wiping my tears away with his fingers.

" do even trust me?" I asked and he replied " yes , babe please don't talk like this" .

" no you don't, cause if you did you wouldn't think I was hurting my own daughter" I said and he looked at me with a guilty face.

" The fact that I didn't give birth to her , doesn't mean I am any less of her mother , I love her like she's my own" I said sniffing .

" I'm sorry babe , I don't mean to make you feel that way , I just....." he said trailing off .

" you just what ?, thought that I would hurt her because I didn't give birth to her abi?" I said wiping my never ending tears with some tissues.

" I know I messed up , and am really sorry" he said with pleading eyes.

" you claim to love me, but you don't trust with anything in your life" I said.

" No babe, it's not like that , I promise I love you" he said trying to pull me closer but I refused.

" it's a lie , if you love me you would trust with everything , what exactly have you trust me enough to tell me. You never tell me anything, I don't know a pinch about your past" I said standing up to go out of the room , as the emotions were getting too intense.

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