Chapter 50

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  I giggled happily like a highschool fangirl as I scrolled through the chapters of the book I was reading as ammar drove, we were returning home from layla's house, maryam and eman were asleep in the backseat . Its been two days since layla's accident and she had been discharged.

  She made up with bilal and I escorted her home before we drove back.maryam decided to come with us to give them some alone time together.

We were now on our way home from layla's house and I decided to finish up the book I had been reading and it was definitely giving all the happy and sweet vibes I wanted at the time.

  Ammar's right hand glided over stomach before intertwining with my free hand while he used the other to drive. My stomach was slowly rounding up and a little bump was beginning to form.

  " what are you doing , that you're laughing so much" ammar asked and I let out a squeal startling him.

  " it probably some romance CEO'S story on wattpad,  she's obsessed " layla says in a drowsy voice from behind and I turned around a gave her glare.

  " why are you reading that, when you can romance with a real CEO here" ammar said with a teasing smile and I smiled shaking my head at him.

  " Stop stop!!" I said frantically as we approached the supermarket.

  " what?, I need to get some stuff" I said to ammar who gave me a questioning look.

  " what do you need" ammar said unbuckling his seatbelt to go out, when his phone rang and he stopped to pick it up. Normally , ammar would get it for me but I didn't want to disturb his call so I unbuckled my seat belt , put on my shoes and got out.

  " don't tell me you're going yo get more chips, all you ever do is eat them with palm oil" maryam said from the backseat and I just scowled at her.

   Ammar stopped me before I left and gave me some cash form his wallet , I just sighed and collected it cause I didn't have the energy to argue that I had my own money plus he was on the phone. Normally he would give me his card , but I guess he didn't bring it along.

  After getting the chips I wanted and some suya pepper and kilishi since I was into spicy stuff these days, I decided to play a prank on ammar.

  " here" I said giving ammar back the money he gave me as I buckled in and he looked at me weird.

  " didn't you get anything" he asked confused as to why I was returning the money.

  " I did, someone paid for me" I said in a nonchalant way , while silently smiling to myself as a frown marrs ammar's face.

  " who, why would someone pay for you" he asked

  " it's just some guy I met in the supermarket, he said I was pretty and offered to pay for me" I said smiling within my evil mind as ammar's jaw clenches and his eyes shows anger.

  " why would you allow him pay for you, when I literally gave you money , infact throw those stuff out and if you still want them , you can get another one with MY money" he angrily.

  " what?, he just said I was pretty and paid for me , plus you get to save your money" I said acting oblivious.

  " I knew I shouldn't have let you get it yourself , why would I give you money if I was saving it" ammar asked me and I heard maryam giggle form behind.

  " just give those stuff to some beggar cause I'm not allowing you eat something from another man's money " he said

  " infact , you're never going shopping alone ever again" ammar said angrily reversing out of the parking lot and I let out a little giggle at how possessive he was being.

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