1 | Inflitration

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Dabi was sent for a mission to spy on UA students. It was dark out and extremely cold. He took the cleaning lady hostage and got her badge so he can access the dorms.

"If you say a word to anyone you and your family will be burnt to a crisp" he says as shows her his bright blue flames

she nodded her head frantically.

He puts her in an dark alleyway and walked to the gate.

"I should avoid the main entrance, there might be guards there, i should enter through the small exit that workers use." He thought to himself.

He puts the poor woman's badge in the air and the door opened...
"That was way too easy, they should at least have facial recognition for The Heights Alliance to be safe. Ha! And they say they care about the safety of their students.."

"This should be quick"

He locates the building where the class of 2-A resides, he needs to spy on Izuku Midoriya, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto and Y/N L/N.

"I want to get this over with"

Shigaraki sent him to get inside information on the student's plans and their school activities, if there is a way to attack them by surprise or kidnap one of them.

The holidays are coming soon and you'd hate to go back home. If you can call it home that is. You come from a lineage of Heros. Your family has pressured you to enter the hero course despite your dream of becoming a doctor. You were great with your hands, had an eye for harmony and aesthetics and you would love to become a plastic surgeon. Your quirk is a powerful version of your mom's quirk; you can heal people by touching them and thinking of the exact tissues and organs that needs to be fixed or regenerated, your healing powers can even regrow someone's limb but for it to work the person has to be alive, that's the only condition.

Even while having a powerful and rare quirk you still weren't popular or well loved by your classmates, you were always left out, excluded. Everyone has their own friend group and you spent most of your time on your own, you felt pretty lonely.
People would only want to work with you in group projects because you'll do all the work and they can get a good grade.

You feel like people only talk to you so they can get something out of you, so they can use you. Do they really care about you and how you feel? Do your thoughts, your aspirations, your goals matter to anyone? If even your own parents don't care, why would anyone in the world care enough to be your friend and to actually listen to you.

Your dad can be nice sometimes but he doesnt care about your dreams and would disown you if you ever became anything other than a hero.
"You have to make your family proud and continue the family tradition"

It feels like being a hero became the most honorable well respected job and almost every parent wants their child to become a hero. Are heros actually good?

They can't all be good. You knew for a fact that in every profession there is good and bad people. You wouldn't be surprised if some heros were actual narcissists addicted to the attention and praise, or psychopaths relishing in causing harm to villains because it's the only socially acceptable and legal way to harm people. Even if they're villains, they're still human and redemption should be the goal.

And honestly you don't want to see the world in black and white. Heros and villains, good and evil... You want to help people and work a normal safe job. A job you loved.

You weren't always so sure about wanting to become a surgeon. But your struggles helped you discover what you were always meant to be.
You've always dealt with insecurities and body image issues, you felt like you were never enough; never pretty enough, never thin enough and never smart enough.

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