17 | Comforting Darkness

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After dinner, fatigue washed over you, all you wanted to do was sleep.

"I can sleep on the couch, i don't mind.." dabi whispers.

"Can you stay, please?"

Dabi couldn't say no to you, ever since he met you, you lit up a fire within, you set his cold heart ablaze.. And you looked so... broken from all the events that happened today. He wanted to be there for you, comfort you...

A gentle hush enveloped the room as you prepared to drift into dreams. Dabi, joined you in the tranquil space. As you settled under the soft glow of the moonlight, Dabi extended a hand, offering comfort that transcended the flickering warmth of his bright blue flames.

You nestled against Dabi, feeling the gentle heat radiating from him. The crackling blue flames cast a serene ambiance, creating a cocoon of safety around you. Dabi's touch was surprisingly tender, and his presence became a soothing embrace.

Soft whispers of shared stories filled the air, creating an intimate lullaby that lulled you into a peaceful slumber. You found solace in the dance of embers, and Dabi, usually shrouded in mystery, revealed a vulnerability that only the night could uncover.

As you closed your eyes, dreams intertwined with reality, and the room echoed with the sweet symphony of two souls finding warmth in each other's company.

The night embraced the both of you in a tranquil serenade, leaving behind a memory of comfort that lingered long after the stars had faded into the dawn.

The soft glow of dawn painted the room in hues of warmth, gently waking you from your peaceful slumber. As you opened your eyes, a tender smile graced your lips as you realized you were cradled in Dabi's arms. His flames had dimmed, casting a soft radiance that highlighted the tranquil expression on his face.

You couldn't help but be captivated by the serene beauty of the man beside you. His spiky black hair framed his face, and the flickering light accentuated the intricate details of his features. She traced the contours of his cheek with a delicate touch, marveling at the contrast between the fiery exterior and the vulnerable slumbering soul before you.

Dabi stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours. A hint of a sly smile played on his lips as he recognized the admiration in your gaze. Without a word, he pulled you closer, and the world outside your embrace seemed to fade away.

Wrapped in the cocoon of morning serenity, you marveled at the gentleness you found in the so called Villain, to you he was everything you ever wanted. His warmth enveloped you, creating a haven where time seemed to stand still. You lay there, entwined in a quiet symphony of shared comfort, each heartbeat echoing the sweet melody of a newfound connection.

As the sun climbed higher, casting its golden rays into the room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected magic that unfolded in the embrace of the night. With a contented sigh, you nestled even closer to Dabi, savoring the precious moments that whispered promises of a connection that transcended the realms of dreams and reality.
It was going to be okay, you could feel it.

The door creaked open, and Toga stealthily entered the room with mischievous glee, her camera poised for the perfect shot.

Toga grins "Well, well, what do we have here? Sleeping beauties, huh?"

You blushed, and Dabi shot Toga a death stare.

"Can't a guy get some shut-eye without being a spectacle?"

Toga snaps a picture as she teases: "Not when it's this adorable!"

You giggle at her antics

" we've got breakfast downstairs. Twice and I made pancakes!" Toga announces

Dabi raises an eyebrow
"Pancakes, you say?"

Toga: "Yep! So, lovebirds, get your cozy selves downstairs before the pancakes get cold. Oh, and I'll be sharing these pics with the whole League!"

With that, Toga skipped out of the room, leaving you and Dabi exchanging amused glances.

"Guess we can't sleep in forever. Pancakes await! Are you sure you won't feel bad after eating some?"

"I think having one pancake is fine, I'll make sure to not have more to avoid binge purging, i usually binge when i am alone and when i have illimited access of food. Let's go enjoy breakfast!"

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now