8 | Redemption

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You got out of the busy streets and went into a less dense area, you were alone, there were some cars that drove by, other than that the streets were empty, normally you'd never walk around in this part of the city at this time, but you felt safer with Dabi than you would feel if a hero was patrolling this area of town.

Dabi hesitates to hold your hand, he decides to go for it, his warm hand engulfing yours.

"Your hands are so cold, Y/n"

"Yeah they're always cold, sometimes they become so cold that my fingers start to hurt, especially during the winter"

"I never had to struggle with that, i am always warm, sometimes i overheat because of my quirk"

You look up at the sky, the moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. Millions of stars were sprinkled behind it, a few large ones but mostly a multitude of little white specks.

Dabi intertwines fingers, he looks at you with pure affection, you're so pure and worth protecting, he would kill anyone for you, you were so kind to everyone, too kind sometimes to the point people take advantage of you; thinking about that made his blood boil.

Spending time with you made him feel normal. He feels like he can be himself around you, you wouldn't hurt him or take advantage of his vulnerability. You didn't see him as Dabi, the villain. He wonders when would be the right time to tell you the truth..

Hopefully that doesn't change the relationship you have? He was a bit scared, he doesn't want to lose you but at the same time he feels like you deserve way better and that you were too good for him. Yet the thought of you being with anyone else crushes his heart.

He wants you to be his and his only. Just like he wants to be yours, but maybe you'd be better off without him? All these thoughts make him anxious.

"Y/n, do you think villains can be redeemed, despite doing the unthinkable?"

"You mean killing other people?"


"Ideally, people wouldn't get to that point, but if they do, the reason of the murder is important to know, was it an accident, self defense, for revenge, for the sake of exercing power over someone, for sadistic pleasure... the life of the murdered person cannot be replaced and their families can suffer greatly, so one should pay for their crime, with different degrees of punishment depending on the motive, but if they aren't a complete psychopath that want to kill people and is a danger to everyone, then i suppose the person at fault can be redeemed."

"Y/n, that is a great answer, it's a shame that that is considered controversial nowadays"

"I hate the way hero society works, the way they label people only causes further devide, heros can be villains and villains can be heros too, so who are we to decide who is the hero and who is a villain. There is so much nuance. Not everything is so black and white"

You walk all the way back to the dorms and before he lets you go he tells you about the internship. You couldn't believe your ears. An internship? at the hospital? Afterschool and in the weekends?!!

"How did you get me an intership at the most well known hospital in Japan? I am so greatful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

"Don't think about it, doll, I have a few connections.."

"You don't know how much this means to me Dabi, I cannot wait to start this internship!"

You go on your tippy toes and peck him on his cheek, you were over the moon, what a great way to end your day. He pats your head and wishes you goodnight. After walking around for hours all you wanted to do is lay down on your bed and go to sleep.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now