50 | In your arms

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As you slowly opened your eyes, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. Dabi was lying next to you, his arms wrapped tightly around you, his face calm and peaceful in sleep. You couldn't help but smile, knowing that he was finally able to rest without any worries. Gently, you traced the scar on his face, a reminder of the battles you had faced together.

But it wasn't just the physical scars that you had both accumulated on your journey. You had both been through so much, and yet here you were, together, stronger than ever. And as you looked into Dabi's sleeping face, you knew that you couldn't have made it this far without him by your side.

As if sensing your gaze, Dabi slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you. "Good morning, doll," he said softly, his voice still husky from sleep.

You couldn't help but blush at the nickname he had given you. "Good morning, Dabi," you replied, snuggling closer to him.

You lay there in comfortable silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's presence. And then, Dabi spoke up again. "I can't believe I am finally in Lille with you" he said, a hint of disbelief in his deep voice.

You smiled and kissed his scar. "Nothing is more important than being with you," Dabi said honestly. "I don't feel the need to destroy my father more than I already did. Let's start a new chapter here in France together."

your eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across your face. "I would love that, Touya, he pulls you into a tight embrace.

And in that moment, you knew that no matter what challenges came your way, as long as you were together, you could overcome anything. Your love had survived the toughest of times, and now, you were ready to start a new life together, in a new country, leaving your past behind.

As you got ready to face the day, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of peace and happiness. And you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, you would be okay.

With a contented sigh, you stretched your limbs and glanced at Dabi, his eyes still heavy with sleep but a playful glint dancing within them.

After a quick shower and getting dressed, you and Dabi decided to take Snowball for a walk. The crisp morning air filled your lungs as you strolled hand in hand through the streets of Lille, Snowball bounding ahead with infectious enthusiasm. The cobblestone pathways were dappled with sunlight, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow as you meandered through the quaint streets lined with charming cafes and boutiques.

Dabi's laughter mingled with your own as Snowball chased after pigeons and greeted passersby with his trademark exuberance. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of your furry companion, his tail wagging furiously as he frolicked in the morning sunshine.

As you reached your favorite café, the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries enveloped you, eliciting a delighted smile from both you and Dabi. The cozy interior of the café was adorned with rustic décor and plush seating, creating an inviting atmosphere that beckoned you to linger a little longer.

Finding a cozy spot by the window, you settled in and ordered a mini pain au chocolat and a sugar free vanilla latte while dabi ordered an americano and a croissant, savoring the simple pleasure of each other's company and the comforting familiarity of your surroundings. The soft chatter of other patrons and the gentle hum of background music provided a soothing backdrop to your conversation with Dabi, as you reminisced about past adventures and shared dreams for the future.

As you sipped your coffee and nibbled on a croissant, you found yourself lost in conversation with Dabi, the hours slipping away unnoticed as you laughed and shared stories, basking in the warmth of each other's presence. And as you looked across the table at Dabi, his eyes sparkling with affection, you couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, when the world seemed to slow down and all that mattered was the love and connection you shared.

After a long day spent exploring the city and enjoying each other's company, you and Dabi returned home, the warmth of the afternoon sun fading into the gentle glow of dusk. As you settled into the cozy comfort of your living room, the soft hues of twilight casting a warm ambiance, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you, the fatigue of the day melting away in the presence of your beloved.

With a playful smile, you retrieved your medicine textbooks from the shelf and eagerly showed them to Dabi. His eyes lit up with interest as he perused the pages, his gaze lingering on your meticulously detailed anatomy drawings and neatly highlighted notes. The room was filled with a quiet intensity as Dabi examined your work, his fingers tracing the intricate lines of your illustrations with a sense of awe.

"Impressive," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I 've always admired your drawings."

You blushed at his praise, feeling a swell of pride in your chest. "Thanks," you replied, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Anatomy has always been one of my favorite subjects."

As Dabi continued to flip through the pages, you couldn't help but feel a sense of validation wash over you. Despite the challenges and obstacles you had faced, your hard work and dedication had paid off, reflected in the impressive grades you had achieved in your first semester of medical school. The countless hours spent poring over textbooks and attending lectures had finally paid dividends, and seeing Dabi's genuine pride only fueled your sense of accomplishment.

Dabi's eyes widened in genuine surprise as he took in your grades, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Wow, these are really impressive," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "You've worked so hard, and it shows."

You felt a swell of gratitude wash over you at his words, knowing that he was genuinely proud of your accomplishments. In that moment, as you sat side by side with Dabi, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of your shared home, you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and gratitude. With Dabi by your side, supporting you every step of the way, you knew that you could conquer anything life threw your way.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now