32 | In the Middle of the Night

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After a long day of binge purging you finally fell asleep next to the man you loved the most. He never fails to comfort you. You were sad most of the time, even though you hid it well in front of most of the members, sometimes you'd open up about your struggles but you didn't want to be the one that always complains

So you keep most of your issues to yourself, funnily enough you never felt like you needed to hide anything from Dabi. At the end of the day, you lay in bed, as close as two people can be, and talk. It was your favourite part of the day. You loved the sound of his deep voice. He was always so intense and passionate.

You didn't expect to wake up in the middle of the night but here you were. Even while you're asleep you couldn't escape the hunger pangs you felt. It was like hell. You stare at the celling and you shift in your bed, hugging yourself, trying to get more comfortable and forget the pain.

Dabi wasn't a heavy sleeper, as soon as you were shifting he felt that something was wrong. His protective instincts kicked in. Half asleep he wraps his arms around your tiny frame. Your face was now touching his chest. His warmth was easing the pain in your stomach.

You couldn't tell if he was still asleep so you decided to not risk it and just savour this feeling. Whenever you were this close you felt like nothing else matters in this world.

Dabi's deep voice rumbled through the darkness as he held you close, "Hey, what's wrong? Can't sleep?"

You sighed, "I'm so hungry, Touya. I can't stop thinking about food."

He feels sad whenever he sees how much food controls you and your thoughts, but he doesn't show it because he doesn't want you to feel more guilt. He loved you despite your eating disorder that takes up so much space in your mind.

Dabi's strong arms cradle you gently, and you can't help but feel a rush of butterflies in your stomach as he picks you up. The world shifts, and you're momentarily weightless, held securely in his embrace. Looking into his eyes, you see a mix of care and affection that sends a comforting warmth through you, and you can't help but smile as you look into his mesmerizing turquoise eyes.
He gently puts you down and intertwine fingers. With a gentle smile, he guided you to the kitchen, "Let's fix that. What do you feel like having?"

You hesitated, "Something healthy, please. I don't want to binge again."

Dabi nodded, slicing an apple into small neat wedges, "How about some apple slices? And I'll make you peppermint tea, just the way you like it."

"With loads of sucralose?" You say sleepily.

"Yes" he chuckles, he never thought he would learn the names of all the sweetners but there he was, extremely knowledgeable about every 0 cal sweetner under the sun and more, you sometimes talk to him about the difference between each one and how each one affects the blood glucose levels and how it affect the liver for example.

Every single conversation you have is burnt in his memory, despite how insignificant it may seem to others. He cherished every moment you have together. He was eternially grateful for the universe because it led him to you.

He sometimes feel like he doesn't deserve you. You were a free spirit. So gentle and kind, very intelligent too and you saw through the fake heros and all the facade that heros have in order to get the public's approval. You were both beautiful and smart. He can talk about your physical attributes for day. Your perfect body, your shiny luscious hair. The way your beautiful e/c coloured kind eyes go so well with your hair. Your soft facial structure.

You were an angel walking amongst mortals in every single way. You didn't deserve the suffering that you deal with on a daily basis.

As he prepared the snack, she couldn't help but feel grateful, "You're always there for me, even in the middle of the night."

He handed you a plate of apple slices, "That's what partners do. Now, spill it. What's on your mind?"

You took a bite, "I spent the whole day binging and purging. I feel so empty, but at the same time, I'm starving."

Dabi's expression softened, "You don't have to go through this alone. We'll find a way together. And remember, you're more than what you eat."

You smiled, fatigue tinging her words, "I love you, Dabi."

He kissed you forehead, "Love you too. Now, let's get back to bed. We'll figure this out tomorrow, okay?"

They returned to their shared room.
In the stillness of the night, a hushed sigh escaped from y/n. The haunting shadows played across the room, accentuating the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains.

Dabi's arm encircled you, drawing you into a comforting embrace. The  soothing heat of his body against yours brings you so much comfort, he was your portable heater, in a way. Silently, he held you close, understanding that sometimes words were unnecessary

Dabi tightened his hold, "I've got you, doll."

He felt your tension slowly melt away, replaced by the steady rhythm of your breathing. The warm touch of his fingers traced soothing patterns on your back, a silent reassurance that he was there.

The room seemed to cocoon youp in a tranquil embrace. Dabi found a unique solace in this simple act of connection. You were comforted by the steady beat of his heart and the gentle cadence of his breath, gradually succumbed to the drowsiness that beckoned you.

Dabi pressed a tender kiss to the crown of your head, "Sleep, love. I'm right here."

Wrapped in the serenity of the night and the warmth of each other, you drifted back into the realms of dreams. The moon continued casting a gentle glow over the room, as Dabi held you close.

Despite him being one of the most wanted Villains in Japan, he was your Hero.

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