10 | End Of Your Internship

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The days went by so quickly, today is the last day of your internship, you learnt so much and this experience solidified your vision of your future, you got in the operating room, witnessed multiple procedures, learnt so many things on real life case reports. You even learnt how to do multiple kinds of stitches, how to withdraw blood, how to examine patients, how to read test results and the list goes on.

You were so grateful for Dabi, without him you wouldn't have been able to get an internship like that. It was so thoughtful of him to go out of his way and give you that opportunity. You kept binge purging whenever you ate something, that wasn't nice but it didn't affect your grades like it did last year, you have two months to go until the spring holidays.

You call your parents now and then, and on the weekends after your 8 hours each day during the internship you go meet Dabi and spend time with him until curfew. Sometimes you get your notebooks and do homework while being with Dabi, his presence alone comforted you and he enjoyed spending time with you. Your work ethic impressed him. He knew you were going places, at the back of his mind there is still this fear of bringing you down with him. He wanted to help you rise up and he felt proud of you doing well in your studies and in your internship. Dabi made up his mind, today he will tell you everything. He trusts you and you needed to know the truth.

Honestly, Shigaraki is pressing him about getting you into the league, but he wanted to protect you, not put you in danger, you were a breath of fresh air, he never met anyone like you, your personality, your values, your morals made you a great person to know, to be with and to spend time with. And it would be a shame to corrupt you despite him seeing the league as his family almost, he wouldn't confess this to anyone but he really like the members of the league, twice feels like the older brother he never had and toga feels like his little sister that he would protect with his life, despite her weird antics, and Shigaraki and Mr compress are close friends, everyone in the league was let down by heros, they were people wanting to be saved, people that yearned for true justice.

Heros were corrupted, almost all of them do it for the money, the status and the love they get. They do it make people believe they're good people that should be admired, but that's not always the case. Dabi would know that.

You take off your white blouse after you finished an end of internship exam. The doctor tells you he will send you the results and all the chapters you need to fully understand to get ahead in medschool. You thank him for his time and leave the hospital.
You see Dabi waiting for you as he lights up a cigarette.

You hated cigarettes, your grandpa a huge chain smoker; he had a stroke that left him half paralyzed, then he went into a coma in the intensive care unit. If he didn't smoke he would've had a better outcome, he would've at least woken up from the coma.

"You shouldn't smoke, it's not good for you"

"Does it look like i care about my health?"

"No but you should, i would want to spend as much time as i can with you on this earth"

You kiss him on his cheek.

"So, what did you do today during your internship?"

"I went with the doctor during his room check up on his patients, everyone is doing well and recovering from their operations, i saw a few operations as well, one of them was an arthroscopy then i sat down for a 2h30 exam on everything i saw since the start of the internship!"

"Sounds like a busy day, what would you like to do now? Do you want to go to a café, go on a long walk downtown or do you have something else in mind?"

"I want to get a matcha latte but i really don't feel like sitting down at the café"

" i know a good café right around the corner"

Both of you go to the café and he buys you your latte. Dabi looks at you as you put a load of sweetner in your matcha latte, it was an amusing sight to see.

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