25 | Overhaul

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A tense atmosphere filled the air as the members gathered for a meeting. Overhaul and members of the Shie Hassaikai, were about to make their entrance. You couldn't help but feel a unease.

Overhaul's presence commanded attention. The League members exchanged wary glances, aware that this alliance was born out of necessity rather than mutual trust. Mr. Compress took the spotlight during the meeting, attempting to negotiate with Overhaul. However, tensions escalated, leading to a violent confrontation.

The situation took a dark turn when Mr. Compress lost his arm due to Overhaul's ruthless actions. Before despair could set in, you swiftly stepped forward quickly touching Mr compress so you can activate your quirk. With a focused effort, you regenerated Mr. Compress's lost limb, surprising Overhaul, who never heard of Y/n's quirk.

Kai Chisaki observed the display of the your unique quirk with a conflicted expression. He couldn't ignore the potential of such a power, even if it contradicted his disdain for quirks. You, in turn, couldn't ignore the weight of Kai's gaze, realizing the conflicting emotions brewing within the leader of the Shie Hassaikai.

The meeting concluded with Magne's tragic demise, leaving the League of Villains in mourning. After the confrontation, the reader found comfort with Twice and Toga, the trio grappling with the harsh reality of their comrade's death. You couldn't help but feel disdain for Overhaul and what he's done. Magne didn't deserve that. You'll miss her very dearly. As you both sat down on your shared bed, Dabi offered comfort as the weight of Magne's loss settled in.

As night fell, you struggled with the realization that Magne was truly gone. Your mind played all the memories you shared with Magne another members of the league. In the quiet darkness, Dabi's presence became a source of much needed comfort. His words, though often sharp, held a rare gentleness as he consoled you. Despite these awful events, Dabi was always there when you needed him, his comforting voice and his warm embrace...

In the following weeks, as the League of Villains continued their uneasy alliance with the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul's fascination with y/n grew. His twisted mind couldn't help but fantasize about having you by his side, using your quirk to heal him whenever illness struck.

During the next encounter with Overhaul, the tension in the room was palpable. As the leader of the Shie Hassaikai made advances towards you, the mood shifted from uneasy to downright uncomfortable.

Overhaul leers at you: "Your quirk is truly fascinating. I want you on my team, I think that most if not all quirks are illnesses but yours is a blessing, you heal people."

"This alliance is based on necessity, not personal matters." You say as the feeling of unease settles in

Dabi, couldn't stand by as Overhaul's actions became increasingly inappropriate.

He leans in, turquoise eyes narrowing "Keep your distance, Overhaul."

" What's the matter, Dabi? Jealous that someone else appreciates her abilities?" Overhaul smirks

With a low growl, Dabi stepped forward, blue flames dancing ominously on his fingertips. A silent threat to burn Overhaul to a crisp. The intensity in Dabi's turquoise eyes conveyed a protective instinct for you. "I suggest you watch your words, Overhaul."

"We're here for a common goal. Let's not complicate things." You nervously say

Overhaul ignores Dabi's warning: "I'm determined to have you with me. Your quirk could be invaluable."

"One more step, and you'll find out how invaluable my flames can be." Dabi threatens

You look to Dabi for support, your beautiful eyes calming him down

"We should focus on the task at hand, not personal desires."

Overhaul persists: "I'll make you see the benefits, one way or another."

Dabi's flames intensify, you could feel the heat from the other side of the room. "This is your only warning, Overhaul."

Undeterred, Overhaul remained determined to have you at his side. His advances became more insistent, revealing a dark and unsettling obsession. You felt a growing sense of unease as Overhaul's intentions became increasingly clear.

Dabi's protectiveness escalated, his fiery threats intensifying with each unwanted advance from Overhaul.

Shigaraki interrupts them, hand outstretched: "Enough of this crap. We're here for business, not some sick fantasy."

"This is a matter of strategy, Shigaraki. I just thought she would be better in our group" Overhaul uttered

"I don't give out members, you go find your own members. She's one of us."

Dabi steps forward "Let's get this job done and move on."

Toga interjects with a forced smile "Yeah, yeah! Fighting each other is boring. Let's save that for the heroes."

"Can we just stick to the plan? I don't want anyone turning into a puddle of goo before we get anything done." Twice nervously says

"We need to work together. Let's not jeopardize the mission over personal conflicts." You spoke up

Overhaul grudgingly steps back "This is not over."

Shigaraki leans back: "Fine by me. Let's get through this and then we can all go back to hating each other."

After the tense meeting, the reader found comfort and familiarity in the company of Toga and Twice. The trio retreated to a quieter corner, sharing their uneasiness about Overhaul's unsettling behavior.

Toga grimaces:" Ugh, that guy gives me the creeps. Did you see the way he was eyeing you?"

"Yeah, it was unsettling. I don't like the way he talks about my quirk." You nod

" Freaking weirdo. I don't trust him one bit." Twice crosses his arms

"Well, at least you have us. We'll protect you, no matter what." Toga grins

Twice nods in agreement: "Yup, that's right! Double protection!"

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot."
You really liked everyone in the league, you truly felt like you found your little family you'd do anything for

Dabi, overhearing the conversation from across the room, couldn't resist chiming in.

Dabi leans against a wall: "Protective much, Toga? You're starting to sound like a big sister."

Toga rolls her eyes: "Shut up, Dabi. We're just looking out for each other."

Twice grins "Yeah, even grumpy old Dabi here is being all protective. What's up with that?"

Dabi smirks: "I've got my reasons. Can't have our secret weapon getting kidnapped, can we? Plus Y/n has been getting better at combat, gotta give it to her"

"Aw thanks Dabi, I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for you training me"

Toga teases: "Secret weapon, huh? Someone's got a soft spot."

"Soft spot? Please."

You chuckle at his response. You make eye contact with Dabi, his piercing blue eyes looking straight through your soul.

Toga whines: "Ughhh, when is it my turn to find true love!"

"I am sure you'll find someone special Toga! Someone who will love you and accept you as you are!" You say with a big smile on your face.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now