37 | Untrustworthy

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In your dimly lit room, Dabi stared intently at the screen as the footage played, the glow reflecting off his turquoise eyes. After spending the day with Hawks and Twice, you couldn't contain your excitement and began recounting the encounter.

"He seemed genuinely concerned about our cause" you shared, your eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Dabi's expression darkened, and he interrupted you enthusiastically, "Don't be so naive. Hawks is just playing a game. You can't trust heroes like him. They're all hypocrites."

Perplexed, you furrowed your brow, "But Dabi, how can you be so sure?"

Dabi leaned in, his voice low and intense, "Because I know their game. Endeavor, Hawks-they're all the same. They put on a façade of heroism while committing atrocities behind closed doors. Hawks is no exception."

You hesitated, torn between trusting her boyfriend and the admiration she felt for Hawks. Dabi continued, "He's doing research on us, on me. You think he's your friend, but he's just gathering intel for the heroes."

Doubt crept into your mind, but you shook it off, determined to believe in Dabi. "I trust you, Dabi. We can handle whatever comes our way together."

Dabi sighed, frustrated by your unwavering faith, but he nodded. "Just be careful. Heroes are good at manipulating people."

Later, you decided to revisit a crucial moment in his past-the revelation video where Dabi exposed his true identity as Touya Todoroki. The room was tense as they prepared to refilm the scene, the camera capturing the intensity in Dabi's eyes.

As you're editing the video, you couldn't help but ponder Dabi's warning about Hawks. The conflicting emotions swirled within you-loyalty to Dabi versus the intrigue sparked by Hawks' seemingly genuine concern.

" I can't believe how people blindly trust heros... I can never forgive Endeavor for what he did to you, to your siblings and your mother. Since he couldn't surpass All Might he wanted to make the perfect child. In my opinion, all children must be cherished and loved, one must nurture them and see what they excel at. Have high hopes for them without putting pression. They should follow the path that they're destined to follow. Not do whatever their parents want them to do. The parents already lived their lives, it's their children's turn to grow up and live."

Dabi looked at you as you spoke, a glimmer of hope in his piercing eyes. He felt so much love for you and every day his love grows as he gets to know you more.

He sighs as he held you close.

"You would be such a good mother... I can't wait until you have my children but..."

Dabi's gaze lingered on the screen, his thoughts veering into a realm of self-doubt. Sensing his inner turmoil, you put your arm on his shoulders, caressing him in a comforting manner.

"Touya, what's on your mind?" You asked softly.

He sighed, the weight of uncertainty evident in his eyes. "I can't shake this feeling that I wouldn't be a good father. My past, my choices-it's hard to imagine being the dad I wish I had."

You took his hands, looking earnestly into his eyes. "Touya, you're more than your mistakes. Despite everything, you've shown resilience, strength, and a capacity for change. You're not defined by your past; you have the power to shape your future."

You spoke of his redeeming qualities, recounting moments where he had exhibited kindness, understanding, and unwavering loyalty. "You have the potential to be the father you dream of having because you know the pain firsthand. You can break the cycle, Touya."

Dabi's eyes softened as your words sank in. "But what if I mess it up? What if I end up like my own father?"

You cupped his face, assuring him, "You're not your father. You're Touya-someone who has the strength to confront his demons and strive for a better life. I believe in you, and I know you can be the father our child deserves."

A mixture of emotions played across Touya's face-doubt, fear, but also a glimmer of hope. As they stood there, hand in hand, You continued to reinforce the belief that redemption and transformation were within his grasp, shaping not only his identity but also the father he aspired to become.

"Are you hungry Y/n? Wanna go to the kitchen for dinner?" He inquired

"Yes Please!" You respond enthusiastically

The soft glow of dim kitchen lights filled the room as you and Dabi retreated from a day of filming and discussions about your past. The aroma of a perfectly cooked steak wafted through the air, mingling with the fresh scent of unseasoned salad. The contrasting dinner choices were a testament to the life they now led, thanks to the League's transformation into the Paranormal Liberation Front.

As you settled at the table, Dabi cut into his steak with precision, savoring each bite. You, with a fork in hand, tentatively tasted the unseasoned salad. You glanced at Dabi.

"The salad is really good, the ingredients seem fresh" you praised.

He chuckled, "Hey, it's healthy. Not everything needs to be drenched in sauces."

"I agree."

You smiled, appreciating his attempt at a balanced meal. Dabi then gestured with his fork, offering you a taste of his steak. "Want some? It's not bad."

You accepted, savoring the flavor. "Not bad? It's delicious! Where did you learn to cook like this?" she exclaimed, surprising Dabi with her enthusiasm.

You continued eating, engaging in light chatter about the day's events and the challenges you faced. Amidst the conversation, Dabi reached for a plate of freshly cut apples, presenting them like a culinary masterpiece.

"For dessert," he declared with a smirk, pushing the plate toward you.

You chuckled, "Are those are my favourite kind of apples?"

Dabi replied, "Well, we can afford it now, can't we?"

As you enjoyed the sweet crunch of apples, the atmosphere shifted from casual banter to a quiet intimacy. Dabi rose from his seat, reaching for your hand. Together, you walked to your shared bedroom, the warmth of the moment lingering.

Cocooned in the soft glow of bedside lamps, you lay down, holding each other close. Dabi's fingers traced gentle patterns on your back, and he whispered, "I never thought life could be like this."

You turned to him, your eyes locked. "Me neither. But I'm glad it is."

In the quiet of the night, you drifted into dreams, wrapped in the warmth of shared meals, laughter, and the reassuring embrace of each other's presence.

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