16 | Joining the League

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You were laying down in Dabi's bed. You can't shake off the anxious feeling you were experiencing.
Dabi on the other hand was lost in his thoughts, searching on his phone the latest news about you. He felt sorry for you, you didn't deserve all the hatred and the backlash, nor the way everyone just assumed you are a traitor, that you were a villain, that you betrayed everyone you knew. Yet he never used you to get any intel on UA students. He made sure you weren't involved in any way shape or form to anything the League of Villains did. Yet, he failed to protect you. He felt like a failure, a good for nothing.

DAMN IT! He screams internally.

"Dabi... I know what you're thinking, it's not your fault."
"How is this not my fault. If you never met me none of this would have happened! This is all because you met me."
"Dabi...i would do it all over again, I wouldn't exchange what we have for anything. I don't mind losing everything else that's dear to me if that means I get to be with you. You're worth so much more than anything I ever had, besides I wasn't accepted in UA, I felt left out and out of place. My classmates never cared about me. You know that gut feeling where you just know they don't like you. When you walk into a room and the chatter stops, the little whispers you hear as you walk by a group of friends. Everyone already had their friend groups formed and I was just there.
I was never included in group activities, I was only talked to if it benefited them. If being a villain is standing up for what you believe in and standing by the people you love then I am the most dangerous villain there is.
I hate this hero society anyways. Let's build a new world together;
a world that accepts us for who we are, for what we stand for.
A world where heros and villains don't exist."
"That's the plan sweetheart" he says as he caresses your cheek.
"Let's watch this world burn." He adds
"I think I made my mind up, I'll join the League."
You leave Dabi's room so you can tell Shigaraki about your decision.
He was still sitting at the bar, looking at his cup of coke. Deep in his thoughts.
"Tomura, I decided to join, i feel accepted here and I believe in our cause. I believe I can be a great help considering my quirk. I am not sure if I'll be useful in combat but if anyone is injured I can heal them."

Shigaraki grins "I believe you made the right choice, welcome to the League of Villains, Y/n"

Toga squeals in excitement "Aahhh!!! Y/n, I am so glad you joined!!! We will have so much fun, just you wait! We will be Spending all our free time together!"
She hugs you tightly, you hug her back, she feels like the sister you never had! Twice hugs the both of you. "Group hug!"
Your eyes were tearing up, never in your life someone has shown this much love; Your parents were cold, the relationship you had with your classmates was superficial. This, this is something special. These are bonds you'll get to cherish your whole life.

You go back to Dabi's room, he's laying on his double bed with his earphones on. You slowly walk up to him and ask:
"Dabi, do you have any thing comfy i can wear so i can go to sleep?"
"I have a black hoodie and pyjama pants i can lend you, we'll probably go shopping for new clothes since you don't have any... but until then you can wear anything you'd like from my closet, I can't guarantee that it will fit you though..."

He gives you the black hoodie. As he was about to grab the pj pants he stops in his tracks and tells you that all of his pants would be way too long on you and that you should ask Toga for leggings.

So you go knock on her door

"Come in!!!"

She was laying on her stomach reading a shoujo Manga.

"Toga, can i borrow a pair of leggings?"

"Sure!!! You can find some in my closet, take anything you like! I never shared my clothes with anyone before, it feels like we're sisters lending each other clothes!"

You change into the hoodie and the leggings and go back into Dabi's room.
"Tadaaaa!! What do you think???"
He eyes you up and down, feeling his face heat up... You. Looked. So. CUTE. You were adorable in his hoodie! His heart was beating out of his chest.
"You look nice, it suits you..."
"Thank you Dabi it's so comfy!!"

"Do you want to eat something?" Dabi asks you
"I am really hungry but i don't want to purge.. It's really painful."
"I can imagine... what do you think of making a safe dinner we can eat together? I can eat with you if you'd like... what is something that you can eat and not feel guilty. We need to stop the cycle from the start. If we find a way to remove the guilt attached to eating, you won't feel the need to purge what you ate."
"No one put so much thought into helping me get over binge purging... i guess a safe dinner for me would be 3 eggwhites, 300g of spinach cooked with water only and a bowl of miso soup, and for dessert i would like an apple and peppermint tea with sucralose."
"We have all the ingredients to make that."
He goes to the kitchen and you follow him. He gets out all the ingredients and starts cooking, you offer to help. "Sure if you'd like."
You start seperating the eggwhites and egg yolk. You get 2 other eggs to mixs them with the egg yolks you won't eat, and you put shredded cheese in the mixture. You add salt and pepper and you mix.
In the other bowl you just add salt and pepper and mix well.
Dabi on the other hand is cutting up chicken breast. He puts the whole bag of spinach in the pan and adds water, and on the other pan he puts olive oil and the cut up chicken. After that cooks, he puts his omelette
Mixture in the pan. During this time the spinach is done, so he drains it and puts a little on his plate, and a way bigger portion on yours, since you only had eggwhites and it was super low calorie and filling. You wash the pan and put it in the dish washer.
He puts his omelette on his plate and gives you the pan so you can put it in the dishwasher. He takes out a non stick pan so he can cook your eggwhites without oil. He prepares two bowls, adding a table spoon of miso paste and boiling water.
After a few minutes, everything is ready. So you put a fork and a knife between the two plates and you fill two cups with water.
You both sit down to eat. You were so grateful that Dabi didn't judge you for your eating disorder, he didn't pressure you into recovery either, he understood that it's going to take a long time until you fully recover and all he could do is help you navigate dealing with this illness and try to avoid triggering your binge purges.

After he read your journal, he spent hours searching your eating disorder, how to deal with it, how to support someone dealing with this illness. He read medical articles about bulimia nervosa. He read horror stories like the one about a girl's eusophagus rupturing during a binge purge, or another girl's stomach rupturing from the sheer quantity of food binged; this illness was no joke. It consumed your every waking thought.

He will help you get through this, one day at a time, one meal at a time. He was never a patient man, but for you, he would wait for a lifetime.

You were what brought him hope, hope he thought died a long time ago, along with Touya.

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