29 | High-end Nomus attack

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As Kurogiri searches in unspecified mountain range for a certain recruit he's caught by Gran Torino and the police after making himself too noticable.

"I took this risk to make contact with Gigantomachia, All for one's loyal bodyguard.." Kurogiri reveals.

He gets arrested and gets sent to Tartarus, the most protected prison in Japan.

The League of Villains develop a powerful new nomu that possesses intellegence, they were given the name "High-end nomus".

The doctor asks you to accompany him as he designs the new nomus. You were quite creeped out by the concept of Nomus but you didn't want to disobey a member of the league so you pushed through the discomfort and learnt how to design a nomu.

He explained all the steps to make one from scratch. The scientific part of the project was quite interesting in theory but when it comes to applying it to the world, it was a bit too far for you. Especially after you've been told what you needed in order to make this High-end nomu.

Today was the day Dabi has to meet up with the new established number 2 hero Hawks. You told him to be careful as you kissed him goodbye. You had nothing to do anyway so you just spent time with twice.

Hawks claims he wants to join the League of Villains. Dabi and Hawks plan for a nomu to attack a factory near the coastline.

Hawks agrees to send a random hero to test it's abilities. However, when the day comes, Dabi changes the plan and orders the High-end to attack Hawks and wreak a havoc in the middle of the city.

Endeavor tries to storm away from Hawks, but the new No. 2 Hero requests a team up. There have been reports in his hometown of Nomu sightings.

Meanwhile, Dabi orders Hood, the High-end Nomu, a new intelligent Nomu, to produce results on its assignment.

Hawks claims he wants Endeavor to be the one to verify the rumors and put everyone at ease. He wants to create a world where Heroes have more time on their hands than they know what to do with. After he finishes speaking, Hawks notices a flying creature approaching their building.

Their waitress tries to bring the check but Hawks yells for her to get down as Hood smashes into the restaurant. Hood's head crashes through the glass windows and demands to fight the strongest hero.

The new number 1 hero takes on the High-end while Hawks evacuates everyone with his crimson feathers.

Endeavor heats up the fingers of his left hand to attack the Nomu with Hell Spider, launching five streams of fire from his fingertips. Although two fire streams strike Hood, the High-End Nomu doesn't stop his advance and attacks Endeavor with his Transforming Arms, grabbing him with an elastic grasp and crashing him into the building. Nomu immediately pushes Endeavor all the way through the entire building, sending him to the other side of it.

Endeavor releases a great flare of fire that incinerates Hood's arm, causing the creature to release Endeavor from his grip.

However, Hood quickly overwhelms him by regenerating his lost limb and transforming it into tentacles to wrap Endeavor up from the sides. He then proceeds to fling Endeavor through the entire building, cutting several of the top floors. The Flame Hero uses his Quirk to break free of the Nomu's grip again and avoid crashing into nearby buildings, keeping himself up in midair to continue the fight. Injured, he admits that the Nomu is stronger and faster than him.

Not even Endeavor's super moves are enough to put this nomu down. Endeavor realizes that High-end is semi-intelligent as it even figures out his quirk drawbacks. The flame hero does tries everything to end the nomu but alas. He blasts high end with with his ultimate move "Prominence Burn".

However not even the high-powered laser can bypass the nomu's healing abilities. The high-end tore it's head off before getting blasted and used that to evade the attack before regrowing it's body.

It attacks Endeavor and cuts out his eye, appearing to defeat the new number 1 Hero. Disappointed, it asks if there is any stronger heros that are willing to challenge it.

Everyone, from the civilians who are there as the viewers who are watching the fight on television, can see the new No. 1 hero being overwhelmed by the Nomu.

Endeavor refuses to stay down despite the power gap between him and the High-end Nomu. The Hero's tenacity inspires those around him as he proves why he can be the new symbol of Peace.

He lodges his fist into High-end's mouth and burns the beast to death with a plus ultra prominence burn.

Endeavor is victorious and the world looks on with hope at it's new number one hero.

Hawks runs over to Endeavor and supports him up. He's surprised Endeavor used the same pose as All Might but the latter claims he used the opposite hand. Hawks gives Endeavor a towel and thanks him for winning but the number one hero doesn't give himself credit due to the sloppy start the fight got off too.

Even so, Hawks claims this will be a huge step in the right direction for hero society. Endeavor requests an ambulance but they're interrupted when Dabi suddenly appears and introduces himself as the mastermind behind the attack.

Endeavor recognizes the League of Villains member from his fight with Snatch. Dabi surrounds them all in a wall of blue flames. Hawks tells Endeavor to rest and tries to buy some time despite losing all his feathers. Dabi attacks the two weakened heroes but Mirko appears and uses her stomping Quirk to keep Dabi back.

Disappointed, Dabi asks his ally for help and starts to get warped away with black liquid. Before he leaves, Dabi tells "Enji Todoroki" not to die until they meet again one day. Mirko tries to kick the villain, but Dabi disappears completely.

The media announces that Endeavor and Hawks are victorious and says the public appreciates what the heroes have done.

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