23 | Reunion

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The League of Villains' hideout echoed with an unusual quiet as you sat on a worn-out couch, a distant sadness lingering in your eyes. The separation from your beloved dog, left behind in your parents' home, weighed heavily on your heart. Dabi, ever perceptive to your emotions, noticed the shadow that had settled over you. He figured out you missed your dog, you speak of him so fondly and you showed him pictures and videos of your furry friend.

In a display of empathy, Dabi approached Shigaraki, the leader of the League, with an unexpected request. "Hey, Tomura, Y/n's missing her dog. Can't we do something about it?"

Shigaraki, surprisingly indifferent to most sentiments, regarded Dabi with an almost amused curiosity. "A dog, huh? Fine, but make it quick. I'm not running a petting zoo."

With Shigaraki's reluctant approval, Dabi turned to Kurogiri. "Can you open a portal to her place?"

Kurogiri, usually stoic and reserved, nodded solemnly. "Consider it done."

The portal opened, revealing a glimpse of your childhood home. Dabi, fueled by a determination to bring a smile to your face, stepped through the swirling vortex into your past. In the quiet of your childhood home, he found your dog-loyal and familiar, waiting patiently for the person he missed dearly.

Time seemed to stretch as Dabi reappeared in the hideout, your dog in tow. The moment was carefully orchestrated to be a surprise, and as you returned from the doctor's laboratory, exhaustion etched across your face, you were greeted by a sight that melted away the heaviness in your heart.

There, standing with a smirk, was Dabi, and by his side-your dog, tail wagging furiously, eyes bright with joy. The surprise radiated through you, erasing the fatigue and replacing it with a warmth that only the unconditional love of a pet could bring.

Dabi, not known for sentimental gestures, watched with a small, satisfied smile as your eyes lit up. Your dog bounded towards you, a flurry of fur and excitement, expressing a joy that words couldn't capture.

Tears welled in your eyes as you knelt down to embrace your furry friend, the pent-up emotions finding release in the simple act of being reunited. Your dog licked your face, an exuberant display of affection, and you couldn't help but laugh through the tears.

Dabi, observing the scene, allowed a rare softness to touch his gaze. "Thought you could use a pick-me-up."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, you looked up at him, your eyes reflecting the depth of your emotions. "Thank you, Dabi. This means everything to me."

In that tender moment, surrounded by the unlikely warmth of the League of Villains' hideout, you, Dabi, and your dog forged a bond that transcended the chaos of your surroundings. As you settled into the sweet reunion, the room echoed with the sounds of laughter and joyful barks.

Now that your dog is in the hideout, you need a few things to keep him busy while you guys are out on missions. So you and Dabi decide to go out to the pet store.

The bustling streets of the city embraced the lively rhythm of its inhabitants, and among them, you and Dabi ventured into the vibrant world of the pet store. The air was tinged with the aroma of various pet supplies and the unmistakable joy that emanated from the furry companions exploring the aisles.

As you and Dabi strolled through the store, the array of dog accessories dazzled your eyes. From plush beds to chew toys, the possibilities seemed endless. Dabi, typically stoic and reserved, couldn't help but be drawn into the excitement, his gaze flickering with curiosity as he examined the assortment of items.

You found yourself gravitating towards a display of colorful collars, each adorned with quirky patterns and vibrant hues. Dabi, standing by your side, observed with a raised eyebrow as you held up a collar that seemed to match your dog's lively personality.

"What do you think?" you asked, a playful glint in your eyes.

Dabi's lips curved into a rare smile. "Sure, why not? Let's spoil the little guy."

The decision made, you continued your exploration of the store, filling the cart with an assortment of toys, a cozy bed, and, of course, a selection of treats that promised to delight your furry companion. Dabi, surprisingly engaged in the process, offered his input on what he thought would suit the dog's preferences.

As you approached the checkout counter, your cart laden with an array of doggy delights, the cashier greeted you with a friendly smile. "Looks like someone's in for a treat," she remarked, eyeing the items in admiration.

You exchanged a knowing glance with Dabi, the shared understanding of the joy awaiting your dog bringing an unspoken warmth to the moment. The cashier, seemingly unfazed by Dabi's usual intimidating aura, chatted animatedly about pets and the joy they brought to people's lives.

Exiting the store, your hands laden with bags filled with canine treasures, the city's hustle and bustle felt momentarily distant. You turned to Dabi, a smile playing on your lips. "I can't wait to see his reaction to all of this."

Dabi's eyes softened, a rare vulnerability in his gaze. "Yeah, it's gonna be one happy pup."

Back at the hideout, you set up the dog's new belongings, creating a cozy corner for him to explore. Dabi, ever the silent observer, watched with a quiet satisfaction as your dog sniffed and explored his newfound treasures.

In the midst of a world often marked by shadows, the simple act of buying dog supplies had transformed into a shared experience-a testament to the unexpected joys found in the most ordinary of moments. As your dog frolicked in the corner, tail wagging with unbridled joy, the room filled with the warmth of newfound companionship-a treasure far more precious than any store-bought item.

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