44 | Dear Diary

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As you return from another demanding day at medical school, you can't help but feel the weight of exhaustion settling upon your shoulders like a heavy cloak. The long hours of lectures, practical sessions, and endless studying have left you drained, both mentally and physically. Yet, amidst the fatigue and the looming specter of deadlines, your thoughts invariably drift to Dabi.

Your relationship has blossomed amidst the chaos of your respective schedules, each stolen moment together a precious treasure. Every encounter with Dabi, wether it's a new letter, a gift or a voice message, fills you with a warmth that transcends the exhaustion of your day.

With a sigh, you finally arrive at your small apartment, your steps heavy with fatigue. As you unlock the door and steps inside, the familiar scent of home washes over you, momentarily easing the tension in your muscles. Dropping your bag by the door, you heads straight for your bedroom, where your journal lies waiting.

The black journal with tattered pages, has become your sanctuary, a place where you can pour out your thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or interruption. Sitting down at your desk, you flips open the journal to a blank page and picks up her pen, the familiar weight comforting in your hand.

"In letters penned with ink so true,
Their love unfolds, a tale anew.
Across the page, their hearts take flight,
In words that bridge the lonely night.

Each envelope a tender kiss,
Each line a vow, sealed with bliss.
Through distance vast, their love's embrace,
Finds solace in each written grace.

With every word, their bond grows strong,
In prose and verse, they both belong.
Through parchment dreams, they find their way,
In letters sent, their love will stay.

So let the miles dissolve in ink,
Their hearts entwined, no chain can link.
For in each letter, love's expressed,
A testament to what's confessed."

With each stroke of the pen, you let your thoughts wander, tracing the contours of your longing for Dabi. You recalls the sound of his laughter, the touch of his hand against your skin, the way his eyes light up when he looks at you. In the quiet solitude of your room, you allows yourself to revel in these memories, basking in the warmth they bring to your tired soul.

But amidst the nostalgia, there is also a pang of longing, a yearning for the comfort of Dabi's presence here and now. You closes your eyes, imagining him beside you, his arms wrapped around you in a tender embrace. In your mind's eye, you can almost feel the weight of his body against yours, the rhythm of his heartbeat echoing your own.

With a soft smile, you opens your eyes and returns your attention to the journal before you. With each word you writes, you feels a sense of release, as if the act of putting pen to paper is a form of catharsis, a way to exorcise the demons of doubt and loneliness that sometimes plague your mind.

As the night wears on and the words continue to flow, you finds yourself lost in the rhythm of your thoughts, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blurring into insignificance. In these moments, you are free to be yourself, to express yourself without fear or reservation.

And when you finally sets down your pen and closes the journal, you feel a sense of peace wash over you, a quiet contentment born of the knowledge that no matter how far apart you may be, your love for Dabi remains unwavering and true.

As you closed your journal and set aside your pen, a sense of calm settled over you. The weight of the day's burdens seemed to lift, replaced by a quiet contentment that stemmed from the knowledge that, no matter the challenges you faced, your love for Dabi would always endure.

With a sigh, you rose from your desk and stretched, feeling the tension in your muscles begin to dissipate. The events of the day seemed distant now, overshadowed by the warmth of your connection with Dabi.

As you prepared for bed, you couldn't help but replay the audio messages he had sent you earlier. Each word was a balm to your weary soul, a reminder of the bond that held you together despite the miles between you.

Settling beneath the covers, you pulled out your phone and opened the messages once more, allowing Dabi's voice to wash over you like a soothing melody. In the darkness of your room, surrounded by the quiet hum of the city outside, you felt a sense of peace settle over you.

With a smile on your lips and love in your heart, you drifted off to sleep, knowing that no matter what tomorrow brought, you would face it with courage and determination, fueled by the strength of your love for Dabi.

For in the end, it was love that sustained you, love that gave you hope, and love that would guide you through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. And as you surrendered to the embrace of sleep, you knew that, no matter where life took you, your love for Dabi would always light the way.

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