20 | Injured

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After a sucessful mission, Dabi staggered into the League of Villains' hideout, his usually confident stride reduced to a painful hobble. Bloodstains adorned his torn clothes. His piercing blue eyes sought out the only beacon that could provide comfort-his girlfriend. You rushed to his side with worry etched on your face.

"Hey, you look like hell," you said with a mix of concern and affection, guiding him to a makeshift bed.

Dabi winced, but a small smirk played on his lips. "Hell's got nothing on me."

As you activated your healing quirk, a gentle warmth enveloped Dabi. The room filled with a soft glow as you focused on repairing his injuries. In the quiet moments that followed, Dabi found himself captivated by Y/n's unwavering care.

"You're pushing yourself too hard," you scolded softly, your fingers tracing over his scars. "You need to take better care of yourself."

Dabi's stoic facade cracked, and he admitted, "I never thought I'd find someone willing to take care of me."

You smiled, your eyes reflecting the depth of your emotions. "Well, get used to it, because I'm not going anywhere."

As you continued your healing, the realization dawned on Dabi. He wasn't just physically hurt; his heart carried wounds that only love could mend. In the tender moments of you tending to him, he understood the profound depth of his feelings for you.

"I love you," he confessed, the words heavy with sincerity.

You paused, meeting his gaze with a soft smile. "I love you too, Dabi. And I'll keep healing you, no matter what."

In that vulnerable moment, surrounded by the soft glow of your quirk, Dabi understood that love had the power to be the ultimate balm, soothing not only his physical injuries but the scars on his heart as well.

As Dabi's wounds continued to mend under your gentle touch, the League of Villains' hideout transformed into a haven of warmth and quiet intimacy. Nightfall cast shadows over the room as you helped Dabi change into comfortable clothes, your touch lingering on his skin as if to reassure yourself that he was truly okay.

"Thanks for taking care of me," Dabi murmured, a rare vulnerability in his voice.

You smiled, your eyes filled with affection. "It's what I'm here for. Now, let's get you into bed."

You settled into the modest sleeping quarters, the dim light casting a soft glow on the walls. You slipped under the covers, and Dabi joined you, the weight of the day's events gradually lifting as he lay beside the girl who had become his solace.

As Dabi wrapped his arms around you, he felt a sense of peace he hadn't known before. You snuggled against him, your head finding its place on his chest, and you shared a quiet moment in the embrace of each other's warmth.

"I never thought I'd find this kind of comfort," Dabi admitted, his fingers tracing absent patterns on your back.

You tilted your head up to look at him, your eyes reflecting the tender emotions between the both of you.

"Sometimes, healing isn't just about physical wounds. It's about finding someone who understands your scars and loves you despite them."

Dabi couldn't help but be moved by your words. In the quiet of the night, your hearts spoke a language that transcended the chaos of their villainous world. As you lay intertwined, the vulnerability you shared became a bond, and the harsh edges of Dabi's exterior softened in the warmth of your love.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you," Dabi confessed, his voice a hushed whisper.

You reached up to caress his cheek,

"You don't have to deserve love. You just have to be willing to accept it."

And in that tender moment, surrounded by the quiet hum of healing and the gentle embrace of each other, Dabi realized that sometimes the most powerful flames were the ones that burned within the heart-a love that could illuminate even the darkest corners of your shared existence. You drifted into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in the comforting cocoon of love's embrace.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now