22 | Welcome Home

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The moon cast a silvery glow over the hideout as Dabi returned from the intense mission. Weariness clung to him like a shroud, but as he stepped into the dimly lit room, his eyes caught sight of the one person who could chase away the shadows - you, eagerly waiting for his return.

With an excitement that lit up your eyes, you rushed towards Dabi, the soft echo of your footsteps breaking the hushed stillness. He couldn't help but crack a half-smile at your eagerness.

"Someone missed me," he teased, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

You rolled your eyes, feigning indifference. "Oh, please. I just wanted to make sure you didn't mess up the mission."

Dabi chuckled, his tired blue eyes softening. "Well, aren't you a bundle of joy."

But before he could say anything more, you threw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. The scent of burnt embers and a faint whiff of your favorite cologne mingled in the air. "I did miss you, you know," you admitted, your voice muffled against his chest.

Dabi's arms wrapped around you, a rare warmth spreading through him. "Guess I missed you too, sweetheart."

You pulled away, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Just 'missed'? No grand declaration of undying love?"

Dabi smirked, his usual cool demeanor momentarily melting away. "Save the theatrics for another time, we've got a reputation to uphold."

As the banter continued, you couldn't help but notice the genuine fondness in Dabi's eyes. The mission might have been tough, but the familiarity of your presence provided a comforting anchor.

After a brief exchange about the mission - a mix of serious details and light-hearted banter - you led Dabi to a cozy corner of the hideout. A makeshift bed awaited, adorned with a couple of stolen blankets. You settled in together, the world outside their secret refuge fading away.

Dabi wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. The day's fatigue gave way to a sweet exhaustion, and as you nestled against him, the rhythmic beating of his heart became a lullaby.

"Promise me you'd try to stay safe and not use your quirk too much," you murmured.

Dabi pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. "I promise."

As the night deepened, Dabi and you, wrapped in the warmth of each other's presence, drifted into a peaceful sleep...

The first light of dawn crept through the tattered curtains, casting a soft glow on the cluttered room where Dabi lay awake, the rhythmic rise and fall of your breathing beside him. The night had been filled with uneasy dreams, memories clawing their way to the surface, and as he watched you sleep, a profound realization began to take root.

Your features softened in the gentle embrace of sleep, and Dabi couldn't help but marvel at the tranquility that graced your face. His gaze lingered on the details-the gentle curve of your eyelashes, the subtle rise and fall of your chest, and the way your hair cascaded like a dark waterfall on the pillow. In that quiet moment, the chaos of his life seemed to fade, leaving only the delicate canvas of your presence.

As he traced the outline of your face with his eyes, memories of his own past, a past marred by the shadows of cruelty, resurfaced. The specter of his father loomed large in his mind-a man whose name was a bitter taste on his tongue. Dabi's thoughts drifted back to the days when he was just a child, a witness to the ugly spectacle of his father's treatment of his mother.

His mother, a fragile soul worn down by the weight of her own suffering, had become the canvas on which his father painted his toxic rage. The echoes of harsh words, the sting of physical blows, and the silent tears shed in the darkness haunted Dabi's memories. It was a cycle of abuse that left scars not just on his mother's body but on his own soul.

In the quiet intimacy of the morning, as you lay oblivious to the storm of thoughts raging within him, Dabi made a silent promise. He vowed never to become the monster his father had been, never to inflict the pain and suffering he had witnessed upon someone he cared about.

The weight of this resolution settled on his shoulders, a heavy burden but one willingly borne. With a solemn determination, he whispered to the stillness of the room, "I won't be like him. I won't let history repeat itself."

In the vulnerability of that moment, Dabi realized that you were more than just a passing figure in his tumultuous life. You were a beacon of light, a chance at redemption, and a reminder that love could exist beyond the confines of pain.

As the morning light continued to weave its way through the room, Dabi found himself entranced by the simple beauty of your existence. The warmth of your breath, the softness of your skin-these were the things he swore to protect. You were not just a lover; you were a sanctuary, a refuge from the storm that had raged within him for too long.

With newfound clarity, Dabi vowed to break the cycle of suffering that had defined his past. As you began to stir, your eyes meeting his in the quiet morning, he offered a soft smile-a gesture that held the weight of unspoken promises and the quiet hope of a better future.

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