12 | Lunch with the Bakusquad

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Time went by so fast with the league members, you couldn't deny you had so much fun, you did karaoke with Magne, Twice and toga. You Had a couple drinks.
"Hey, Y/n, it's almost curfew I need to drop you off."
"Awww you're making sure she's safe!!" Toga teases. You blush at the thought of him wanting to protect you.
He doesn't even bother to respond. You write your contacts on a paper and give it to them,
"If anyone needs a friend to talk to or to spend time with I am here. Sometimes I am too busy with homework but usually on the weekends I am free"
Dabi puts his hand on the small of your back as you both got out of the hideout. He makes sure you arrive safely and wishes you good night.

Back in your dorm room you get ready for bed, make peppermint tea and drink it as you read a page or two of your anatomy book and go to sleep.

You wake up to the sound of your alarm ringing. You felt so tired, like you never even slept, not a great way to start your day. You binge purged breakfast, today was one of those days where you had to try so much harder to throw it all up. You had bruises on your knuckles and your eusophagus was burning.

You wash you hands and face, and you use mouthwash to get rid of the taste of vomit. You couldn't brush your teeth because you would be brushing the acid all over your tooth enamel and that was the worst thing you could do to your teeth.
You text Dabi as you're walking in the hallways. You accidentally bump into Bakugo. How can you forget him. He was the one that had to be tied up at the sports festival. To be truthful they shouldn't have humiliated him like that. He was violent and irratic but that doesn't mean they should've handled the situation that way.
"Watch where you're going extra!"
"Sorry Bakugo, have a nice day!"
Wait. You know him??? It caught him off guard since he never seen you before. But you seemed familiar.
He turned around and asked if he knew you.
"No i don't think so, maybe you know my dad? He's a top Pro Hero, his name is Masakazu Calderon, or Strong Man. I kinda look like him but our quicks are completely different haha, my name is Y/n L/n, it's lovely to meet you"
"It can't be that different, what's your quirk?"
"My quirk is regeneration, i can heal people, genetic mutations, wounds, i can even regrow limbs by thinking of the exact tissues, nerves and veins that need to be regenerated."
"Yeah, you're right that's the complete opposite of your dad's quirk, his is more destruction based..."
Kirishima locates bakugo. "Hey buddy, oh, who is this, I've never seen her before, is she your friend?"
"I just met her, her name is Y/n L/n"
"Hi, i am Kirishima. In what year are you y/n?"
"I am in my second year"
"Oh i am sorry i didn't know that, sorry Y/n-kun"
"Ahh it's okay don't worry"
"Do you want to eat lunch with us?"
No one ever asked you that throught you being here in UA. You were quite nervous to say the least, you haven't been in a cafeteria in like 3 years or so and you haven't missed it.
You thought it would be weird to refuse, especially since they're so nice, especially Kirishima so you say yes.
4 hours of classes went by and you were extremely nervous to say the least. How will you get out of eating, you can't leave right after eating so you can purge. You can't just play with your food. What can you do to avoid being awkward... aaAHH!

you meet Kirishima and a blonde boy at the cafeteria's entry.
"Hi cutie, My name is Denki Kaminari, it's nice to meet you"
A black-haired dude joined them and said: "Hi guys! Oh. Is this a new friend?"
"Yes, her name is Y/n L/n and she's in her second year"
"Nice to meet you Y/n-kun!"
Bakugo and Mina joined the group and you all went to get your lunch tray. To avoid purging you had to be tactical. So you got miso soup, a salad with no dressing and a big juicy apple. Along with a big bottle of Coke Zeo.
Bakugo eyes twitches when he sees your choices but he decides to not say anything.
You all sit down at a Table. And start talking.
Denki asks: "How come we've never seen you at the cafeteria, i thought you were new!"
"I don't like crowdy noisy places, and i feel weird eating in front of so many people"
While everyone is trying to get to know you Bakugo was silently analyzing your every move, the way you re arrange your food. Sometimes you even put something close to your mouth, say something then put it back down.
The way you cut up your apple in a million pieces.. something weird was going on.
"Ugh i am always so tired when training comes. I am really weak when it comes to combat training, my dad hates that about me."
"You know, if you ate something more calorie dense you wouldn't feel so tired, that salad can't be more than 100 calories, that miso soup is about 25 cals and that apple is at most 80 calories. Thats around 200 calories. Not enough for an active teenager."
"Yeah.." Kirishima added, "you might be really good, you just haven't seen your full potential"
"Thanks guys, if I am being completely honest, i have a bad relationship with food. I either eat too much or too little... I know it's bad but i can't control it"
Mina looks concerned, understanding what you meant.
"If you need to talk to someone i am here, i know it can't be easy.."
"Yeah, Denki adds, i haven't personally dealt with those types of issues but if you need to eat with someone you can always eat with us.
Sero and Kirishima nod in union.

Lunch actually went well, you were a bit embarrassed that bakugo saw right through you. After you finished your training you sat in the common living room, writing in your journal about your unusual day. You avoid it binge purging lunch for the first time in a while. You chitchat with your girl classmates for a bit. Fatigue washed over you and you yawned.

"Goodnight guys" you say to the classmates watching the TV. Today was actually quite nice. You face timed Dabi in your dorm room.
"What's up doll?"
"Hi Dabi! How are you? I missed you!"
"I am good thanks, i had a few missions to complete today, how was your day?"
You tell him about your day, lunch time. He wishes he was able to share moments like that with you. Eating school lunch together, going to the same classes, doing homework together... you'd actually inspire him to study hard.

"That's nice doll, I am glad you had a nice day, don't be too trusting through, always keep your guards up, it's better than blindly trusting somebody and getting disappointed and used.."
"That's right, Dabi, thank you for looking out for me."
"You're welcome doll"
You end the call after telling him goodnight and you go to sleep.

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