46 | In Japan

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In a modest apartment in Tokyo, Dabi sat on the edge of his worn-out couch, his eyes fixed on the television screen as the news anchor's voice echoed through the room. The aftermath of his video was playing out in real-time, and the impact it had on Endeavor's reputation was undeniable. The once mighty hero was now under fire, his image tarnished by Dabi's accusations.

But amidst the chaos of the news coverage, the conversation shifted to a more personal matter that struck a raw nerve within Dabi's heart: the wrongful accusations against you, his girlfriend. You had been unjustly labeled a traitor, condemned by a society quick to judge and eager to cast blame without evidence.

A surge of anger and frustration rose within Dabi as he listened to the pundits dissect your character, questioning your motives and casting doubt on your innocence. You were not a traitor; you were just a young girl who happened to be friends with individuals deemed villains by society. Yet, you were being vilified for your associations, your innocence disregarded in the rush to judgment.

But it wasn't just the accusations against you that troubled Dabi. It was the realization that even your own father, Strong Man, was facing accusations of his own. As a pro hero, he was being questioned for his motives and his neglect towards your well-being, the news reporters were wondering what led you to become a villain.

The guilt weighed heavily on Dabi's conscience as he watched the news unfold. He had defended you in his video, speaking out against the injustice you faced. But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the cacophony of accusations and blame.

And then, the conversation turned to your struggles with mental illness, your bulimia. Dabi's heart clenched at the mention of your pain, knowing that you had suffered in silence while those around you turned a blind eye. Your classmates, your supposed friends, had used you for their own gain, never once stopping to consider the toll their actions were taking on your psyche.

As the news segment came to an end, Dabi felt a surge of determination welling up inside him. He couldn't stand idly by and watch as you suffered in silence, abandoned by those who should have been there to support you. He had to do something, anything, to make things right.

With a heavy heart, Dabi turned off the television and reached for pen and paper. He had to reach out to you, to let you know that he was there for you, no matter what. He couldn't bear the thought of being separated from you any longer, especially in your time of need.

And so, with determination in his heart, he began to write a letter to you, informing you of his decision to leave Japan and join you in Lille. He couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer, and he knew that the only way to truly protect you was to be by your side.

For what was the point of being a hero, he thought, if you couldn't save your own loved ones from their demons? And so, with resolve coursing through his veins, Dabi sealed the letter and made plans to reunite with you, his girlfriend, and start anew in Lille, far away from the chaos and corruption of the hero world.

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