39 | Betrayal

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In the midst of the turmoil consuming Gunga Mountain Villa, you found yourself ensnared in a room with Twice. The discord echoed in the chambers as Hawks, a once-trusted ally, cornered the bewildered Twice with his ominous feathers, unveiling an unforeseen betrayal. you were shackled by your distress . You could not fathom the breach of trust.

your voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and heartbreak.

"Hawks, why? We confided in you, believed in you!"

Hawks, cool and collected, proceeded to dismantle trackers attached to his wings, elucidating the method behind his treacherous communication with the Heroes. He shared the disheartening rationale of keeping a vigilant eye on the League's swelling numbers and Twice's perilous potential.

"It's not personal. The mission demanded it."

Y/n , submerged in memories of shared confidences, poured out her sentiments.

"I thought we were comrades, Hawks. I shared my fears and hopes with you, believed in our friendship."

Twice, still grappling with the shock of betrayal, voiced his incredulity.

"Hawks, man, why are you doing this? We trusted you."

Hawks, admitting the ease with which he gained Twice's trust, disclosed his intention to hand him over after the conflict.

"It's a necessity, Twice. Once the war is over, you'll understand."

Twice, haunted by the ghosts of past betrayals, including the calamitous encounter with Overhaul, succumbed to the emotional maelstrom.

"Not again... I trusted you, Hawks. Why does this keep happening?"

In an unexpected turn, Hawks, expressing a surprising degree of gratitude, extended an olive branch, proposing a fresh start after the impending fallout.

"Twice, I appreciate your trust. After all this is over, we can begin anew. I'm even willing to help you rebuild."

Fueled by a potent mix of anger and grief, Twice rebuffed Hawks' offer, vehemently expressing his disdain for heroes. Y/n, caught in the tempest of emotions, interjected.

"Hawks, you've shattered the foundation of our friendship. How could you betray us like this?"

As Twice, driven by fury, unleashed his Ultimate Move, Sad Man's Parade, he prepared to wage a desperate battle for the League's happiness.

"Our happiness won't be taken away, Hawks! We trusted you!"

Hawks, reluctantly poised for the impending clash, faced not only the wrath of Twice but also the desolation in your teary eyes.

"Sometimes, sacrifices are unavoidable. For the greater good, remember?"

As the battlefield ignited with the clash between Hawks and Twice, Dabi, acutely aware of Hawks' duplicity, intervened. Despite being battered, Hawks, driven by an unforeseen sense of duty, shielded Twice from Dabi's searing flames.

Dabi, understanding your internal struggle, offered words of reassurance.

"It's not your fault, Y/n. Hawks played us all."

you wrestled with a sense of culpability.

"I shouldn't have trusted him, Dabi. This betrayal is on me."

Dabi, shielding you from misplaced blame, spoke with a measured sincerity.

"No, Y/n, you've got a heart of gold. Hawks exploited that. Don't blame yourself. It's the self righteous heros who are in the wrong, As usual!!"

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