7 | Piercing Turquoise Eyes

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You got out of the train at 5pm, so you had time to put your suitcase in your dorm and walk around the city for a bit, you put your earphones on and listen to your favorite song. You loved walking around and pretending you had somewhere important you needed to go, it made you feel less unsignificant.

A few years ago you'd say you hated being outside because people can actually see you and your worst fear was being seen, you wanted to take up less space and be less visible.

You still want that but you manipulate yourself into thinking you're really pretty and that no one can actually see you, without believing in those delusions you wouldn't be able to walk around the city and that would be unfortunate because being alone and not having distractions always led you to use food as a distraction.

You use food for multiple things, for distraction, for comfort, for self harm and to satisfy your oral fixation.

Sometimes you weren't even hungry you just needed to chew on something sweet but most of the time you felt unbearable painful hunger that can only be satisfied by eating up to 3kg of food in one sitting and throwing it all up afterwards.

Damn it, here you are again, thinking about this shit, you truly can't escape it can you? Even while trying to have fun you still end up thinking about it.

You wondered if you can meet Dabi right now, so you text him.

"Hey Dabi, I am in Musutafu, i arrived an hour ago, would you like to meet up?"

"Yeah i am free right now, where are you?"

You send him your location after you entered a café. You ordered an iced vanilla latte with almond milk and loads of sweetner and took out your notebook to sketch as you wait for Dabi to arrive. You were excited to see him again, its been 3 weeks since you last met.

You were using your hand as inspo and tried to draw it in different positions, you loved drawing but you don't do it often during the school year because it takes a lot of time and homework is your main priority.

Speaking of homework, you used the last week of the holidays to complete projects and essays, it was quite challenging to do but you enjoyed completing your to do list.

Dabi enters the café, he looks around and sees you sitting down drawing in your sketchbook, he walks towards you taps your shoulder to get your attention, you look up and your eyes meet his turquoise eyes, that almost seem to be glowing.

You couldn't contain your excitement.


You stood up and hugged him, his body went stiff and his eyes went wide as he didn't expect that, he didn't know what to do with his arms for a few seconds but he ends up wrapping them around you, he smiles softly, he doesn't think anyone was this excited to see him before.

"You missed me, doll?"

You let go for a bit so you can look up at him

"If i say yes, would i get a kiss?"

He didn't expect that, his eyes were piercing yours, he caresses your cheek; his ice cold staples contrasted with his warm hand. Your knees felt weak and blood was rushing through your veins, you close your eyes as his face gets closer to yours. He presses his soft lips against yours, his fingers running through your hair while your hands are pressing on his shoulder blades.

The kiss felt like opening up your soul, almost like catching a smile in a bottle, its softness, its sweetness... It felt like nothing in the world exist but you and Dabi... This feeling like you're levitating off the ground, floating in the air... What you're feeling cannot be put into words, nor has there get been any figure of speech invented to describe it..
You enjoy every second of it.

You let go of him and gently asks him wether he wants to stay at the café or wether he'd like to walk around the city.

"I would like to walk around, if you don't mind"

"That's fine by me, i just finished my coffee anyway."

You start putting your pencils in your pencil case

"Did you draw that while waiting for me?"


" Those hands are drawn beautifully"

"Thanks Dabi"

You put your stuff in your bag and you throw your empty cup in the trash before leaving the café.

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