36 | Meeting Hawks

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The air in the League's hideout was filled with tension and excitement as Dabi introduced you to the number two Hero. You were a member for a while, but Hawks was meeting you for the first time.

"This is Y/N, she has been with us for some time now."

Hawks greeted you with a friendly smile.

"Nice to finally meet you, Y/n. Heard a lot about


You returned the smile, appreciating the attempt at camaraderie

in this not-so-friendly environment.

"Likewise. If you ever need patching up, I've got a handy regeneration quirk. No one wants our feathers ruffled, right?"

Hawks, with a playful glint in his eye, responded.

"Well, if I ever need patching up, I'll know who to look for. My hot personal nurse, right?"

You chuckled at his flirtatious remark, but Dabi, standing beside you, shot Hawks a sharp look.

"Watch it, Bird-brain. She's not here for your personal use, plus she's mine."

You, sensing Dabi's protectiveness, reassured him with a subtle squeeze of your hand.

Hawks, noticing the dynamics, decided to ease the tension.

"Alright, alright, no harm meant. Just trying to lighten the mood. We're all on the same team,

after all."

After getting to meet Hawks for the first time, meeting him became an occurrence. Today, you decided to meet up with Hawks and Twice. As a lieutenant, you weren't needed today since Dabi and Geten were the ones in charge of training attack-based quirks.

To be honest, you mostly did all the healing and taught how to intervene when someone on the same team was injured, how to use a first aid kit, suture a wound if it's really deep, and all the other medical things the League's doctor taught you, and when you were free, you'd go with the doctor that took a liking to you and your determination to become a plastic surgeon despite where life has led you.

As you gathered around the table, the conversation naturally steered toward the reasons each of you had joined the League of Villains.

Hawks, arms crossed and leaning back, initiated the discussion.

"Alright, spill it. Why'd you join Twice?"

Twice shared his motivations as he runs a hand through his dishevelled hair .

"Well, you know, life hasn't been the friendliest to me. I just wanted a place where I could be myself-no masks, no pretending."

You, contemplating your own journey, added your perspective.

"I guess I got tired of living up to everyone else's expectations. My dad, he's a hero, and there was this unspoken pressure for me to follow in his footsteps. But deep down, I wanted to help people differently. I wanted to be a plastic surgeon, make a difference without the spotlight."

You and Twice devled deeper into your pasts, revealing unique reasons for defying societal norms. Hawks, sensing an opportunity for insight, probed further.

"Why do you think hero society isn't what people believe it to be?"

Twice, rubbing the back of his neck, expressed his disillusionment.

"Honestly, heroes and villains, it's all just a messed-up game. Hero society's just another set of rules, and some of us don't fit into that narrative."

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