6 | It's over, finally

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The holidays were painfully long and you had to walk on eggshells a lot. Your dad forced you to train with him so you can improve your combat skills.

He thinks you're weak and you wouldn't last a second on the battlefield. He would always insult your skills, saying that you're weak and you'd bring shame to the family if you stayed that way.

"We live in a different world than normal people. We're heros, and heros are supposed to be strong, you are no where close to being strong!"

You couldn't study in the living room because your mom will see that you still want to be a doctor and that will snowball into a huge fight.

You controlled your binge purging to the best of your ability but there was still some times where you couldn't control the urge.

It's not like you didn't want to stop, but you were so afraid of gaining weight and the guilt was immense.

It was saturday night, tomorrow you'll be back at the dorms, you'll miss your dog so much.

You packed your suitcase and bought the train ticket online.
You can't deny that you were excited to see Dabi, maybe you were still in denial about his villain status but something told you that there was more to the story than what meets the eye.

You look at your knuckles and see a big red spot, caused by the repeated purging, your gag reflex is weird, sometimes you can purge hands free and sometimes it feels like you have to shove your whole arm so you can purge.

Your hair is thinning, you get bloated as soon as you eat something and you don't purge it, it's like your body forgot how to digest actual food.

And you weren't happy with your weight still. You wish you had more self control, you wish you had the better eating disorder, at least with anorexia, the restrictive type, you're not covered in vomit the whole time and you actually lose weight. Since you have bulimia, your weight fluctuates a lot, thanks to the enormous binges you sometimes have, and since it's basically impossible to purge everything, you're sure you ingest about half the calories of your binge.

Yet you can't stop. You're tired of all of this. Having to think about calories, safe foods, fear foods binging and purging. You were sure that if you spent the time you spend on eating disorder rituals in something else, you would excel at it. You were aware how it might hurt you in the long run but you didn't know how to stop.

You wake up the next day and eat a banana and drink a latte macchiato with loads of sweetner.

It was quite humorous how much sucralose you put in your coffees and teas, one might say you drink sweetners with a dash of coffee. You can't not to. It's 0 cals and you have the biggest sweet tooth.

You say goodbye to your parents after cleaning up your plate and cup.

" Finally, I'll get to be in my dorm room again. "

You take your phone, earphones , your handbag and your suitcase and walk to the station, on your way there you text Dabi to see how he's doing.

Dabi feels like he can't hide what he does any longer, he needs to come clean, he feels like if he doesn't tell you the truth you'll hear it from somewhere else. And he wants you to hear it from him.

At the hideout he asks shigaraki if he could talk to the doctor, shigaraki doesn't understand why but he assumes that it might have to do with his burns.

Dabi wanted to speak to the doctor so he can get you an internship. You wanted to get into medschool, what better than experience in the hospital. You'll get to learn how to inject people, how to do stitches, regular exams. He wants to do that for you.

" Hey Doc, I have a favor to ask"

"What is it Dabi?"

"I want an internship"

"For you? Since when do you want to be a doctor, you decided to leave your villain life behind?"

"Not for me dumbass! I need it for someone i know"

" why should i do that for you?"

"If you don't provide me this internship, i'll turn you into ashes"

"Okay!! okay!"

He leaves the doctor's laboratory, and gets back to the hideout, there is nothing to do these next few days so he decides to pay you a visit and tell you about the internship.

He hopes that it will cheer you up, the holidays were a hard time for you and this internship is the best way to learn more about your dream job.

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