2 | First Date

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At the hideout he reads your journal. You didn't say that about villains just to seem heroic and better than thou.

You actually meant it. He learns about your dreams, your insecurities, he didn't think he'd have so much in common with you. You don't idolize heros like most people. He cant help but notice that your eating disorder is such a big part of your life.

Every day during the last 90 entries you begin your entry by saying, "today i want to quit binge/purging" and end the entry by saying you failed once again. He also find ironic that the person that doesn't want to be a hero is the perfect person to be one.

In one of your entries, you wrote that you healed a thief, He stole money from someone that just got out of the bank and as he was running away a car hit him. He would've died if you didn't save him.
He was desperate and needed the money to fund the treatment of his brother, you weren't sure if he told the truth but you proposed to heal his brother if he gave you the money back and he did.

You quickly exchange contact before the heros came. With every entry he read he felt more and more admiration. You were empathetic, caring and kind despite your personal issues. He wasn't a hero but he felt the need to help. All that's left for him to do is to make a plan for you to meet

On Sunday you go out to the mall as you planned. You wanted to read the checklist for the things you're going to buy but you couldn't find your diary, despite searching for it everywhere.

You bought books about histology, molecular biology, chemistry and anatomy. Studying these subjects brought you joy and comfort. Little did you know Dabi was following you around in the mall.

Dabi wore a black mask to blend in with the crowd. And when the opportunity came he asks you for help to find the book section. You were just in it so you enter the store and show him the section, as you were going to part ways he builds up the courage, He never tried to get into a relationship with a girl before.

"Thank you for helping me out, beautiful, would you care to join me for coffee?"

You were a bit flustered by his request but, this was exciting and his stunning bright blue eyes left you speechless.

"Euh... yes why not, what's your name by the way?"

"The name is Dabi, what about you doll?"

"My name is Y/n, it's lovely to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine"

You sat down at a table and ordered a cappuccino and he orders a black americano.

The date lasted two hours, it went by so fast, despite it being the first time you chatted it felt like you knew dabi for a lifetime, you even felt okay with sharing about your eating disorder, it weighed heavy on your chest, normally you wouldn't confess to having one but you were so tired of hiding it that you just decided to be truthful.

You never felt like this before. You were more honest with him than you were with your own parents and you just met each other. He bought you another coffee and asked you if you wanted to walk around the mall and continue talking, you accepted.

You spent the whole day walking around and talking about anything and everything. he even offered to carry your bag full of books like a gentleman. No one treated you like this before. There was an instant connection that you both felt...

At some point he held your hand. His hand was so warm compared to your ice cold one.

Everything was going according to his plan. Even better than he could have ever imagined. You were amazing. He can't believe you don't have many friends, he would kill to have a friend like you to rely on. Honestly, it's your classmates' loss.

You were looking at him as he was sharing an anecdote about his school days and you gasp. One of his staples, right next to his mouth got out and blood was oozing out coupled with serous drainage....
Oh my god there's an infection in that wound, the staple wasn't sterile, probably...

"Hey..... Dabi, i am sorry to interrupt but there's blood oozing out right next to your mouth, and there's also serous drainage which means it's infected.... it might not be any of my business to ask but do put the staples on yourself?"

"Yeah i dont have enough time to go to the ER"

" my quick is regeneration, i can heal it by touching it, can i do that for you?"

"Wow doll, i think that's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.."

You look into his ocean blue eyes as you put three fingers on the wound, his purple skin was rough, he must have went through a lot..

"Dabi, if you ever need me to get rid of your scarred skin i can help you with that, not that i think they look bad or anything, i think they make you look cool but if they make you feel insecure i can help you."

"That's very kind of you Doll, I'll think about it"

You couldn't get enough of Dabi, his deep voice, his blue eyes and dark spiky hair even his scars are endearing.

Sadly the day was about to end and you had to respect the curfew so he dropped you off after you exchanged phone numbers.

"Don't forget to call me Y/n" he says as he bends down slightly to give you a goodbye kiss on your cheek.
You were so flustered as no man gave you time of day before let alone kissed you goodbye.

In the living room as everyone was watching a new series on Netflix you were texting Dabi....

"Hey Dabi, did you have dinner yet?"

"No not yet... what about you?"

"Honestly i am to tired to purge so i might not eat at all.."

" try to eat something you won't feel guilty eating that way you wouldn't feel the need to purge it"

"That's actually really clever and thoughtful of you to suggest, My parents would try to get rid of the bathroom's doorknob and force me to eat whatever they're eating"

"Parents can be like that sometimes"

"Ugh i opened the fridge and it's full of temptation food, there is nothing safe for me to eat, i might make tea and go to sleep..."

"It's better to not eat than to eat then purge... I know we just met today so this might not mean much but i am really proud of you for not binge purging"

"It means the world to me, my parents would scoff at me if I even mentionned how hard it is for me to not do that! They think that it's effortless to not binge purge, and it might be for normal people... but in my case as soon as it started, I simply couldn't stop.."

You felt like things are going fast but things feel just right, you know when you meet someone and you instantly click, you get along so well and you simply feel like you knew them in all your past lives and you met them again in this lifetime. That's how things felt like with Dabi.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن