35 | Paranormal Liberation Front

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At the pinnacle of the towering structure, Re-Destro ponders Himiko's tragic past and society's paradoxical insistence on conformity despite humanity's progression beyond normalcy. Skeptic strides in, bearing news of Curious' demise, prompting Re-Destro to express sorrow for the lost lives.

Skeptic dismisses the footage of Himiko as incompatible with their desired 'tragic heroine' narrative. Giran questions the relevance of the footage, leading to Skeptic's mocking retort about Giran's supposed lack of comprehension. Skeptic expounds on the purpose of the cameras, aiming to spotlight the need for everyday individuals to use their Quirks in the absence of heroes. Re-Destro critiques Giran's perceived lack of imaginative thinking.

Meanwhile, on the lower levels, the League of Villains engages in a relentless battle against the Meta Liberation Army warriors. Mr. Compress relays the countdown until Gigantomachia's awakening, and Twice realizes Himiko's absence, injecting urgency into the situation.

Trumpet, in his campaign car, makes a somber announcement of Curious' death, galvanizing the army to charge at Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura, grappling with unsettling visions, triggers his Decay power, reducing the oncoming crowd to nothing but dust.

Simultaneously, Dabi confronts Geten, deploying his blue flames to counter the ice user's powers. Geten, showcasing versatility, summons ice from a nearby convenience store and rides atop an ice dragon. As Dabi continued his battle with Geten, you were crouched behind a pile of debris, trying to stay out of the way of the fighting.

However, Geten noticed how Dabi seemed to be protecting you, and decided that you would be the perfect target for him to attack.

Suddenly, Geten launched a barrage of ice attacks aimed directly at you. Dabi quickly jumped in front of you , shielding you from the attack with his flames. As the fight between Dabi and Geten continued, you watched in amazement at how Dabi fought with such ferocity to protect you.

You admired his power. Eventually, Dabi emerged victorious over Geten, and the two of you made your way over to where the rest of the League was fighting. You couldn't help but feel thankful for his protection during the battle.

In a heartbreaking revelation, Twice stumbles upon a badly injured Himiko, prompting a visceral emotional response. Skeptic, remotely manipulating puppets resembling Twice, intensifies the emotional torment, aiming to capture Twice and terminate Himiko.

Skeptic divulges the intricate plan to Giran, involving the use of Feel Good Inc.'s technology to control puppets resembling Jin. Giran, facing Re-Destro's threats, maintains silence. Twice, confronted by traumatic clones of himself, undergoes a severe identity crisis.

Amidst the chaos, Twice discovers an inner resilience, overcoming psychological trauma. He unleashes his Ultimate Move, "Sad Man's Parade," flooding the streets with clones to aid the League.

Twice remembers how things were back then and how Giran helped him then how he found real friends that loved him, he remembered the times where you healed him after he was severely injured then while thinking of the people he cherished the most, he triumphs over Skeptic's puppetry.

Above, Re-Destro acknowledges Twice's unexpected resilience. Gigantomachia awakens and sets a course toward the unfolding battle. In Osaka, Hawks senses impending trouble with the League and embarks on a mission.

Dabi continues his fiery clash with Geten, while Mr. Compress grapples with challenges. Meanwhile, the League contends with Trumpet's influential tactics, and Giran harbors concerns about the Meta Liberation Army's overarching plans.

In the climactic confrontation, Tomura faces Re-Destro, who reveals the origins of the Meta Liberation Army's rebellion. Memories resurface for Tomura, triggering a profound evolution in his Decay power.

Re-Destro amplifies his strength, unleashing an ultimate move to eradicate Tomura. However, Tomura's newfound power and resurfacing memories propel him forward. As the battle intensifies, Gigantomachia approaches, poised to reshape the course of the conflict.

Tomura remembers when he was at the age of five, resides in the house his father, Kotaro Shimura, built for their family. A stranger leads Tenko home after a playful hero game with friends results in a minor incident. This incident prompts Kotaro to punish Tenko, banishing him to the backyard despite pleas from his wife to reconsider due to Tenko's allergies. The condition for re-entry is an apology for disobeying the rule of forgetting about heroes.

Although Tenko doesn't exhibit a Quirk, he undergoes mysterious physical changes. Despite the strict demeanor of his father, his mother, Nao Shimura, and grandparents provide constant comfort. Tenko, questioning his father's stance on heroism, learns of his grandmother being a hero from his sister Hana. This revelation brings happiness to Tenko, fostering dreams of heroism.

However, Kotaro discovers Tenko and Hana peering at a photo of Nana, leading to a violent beating for Tenko. That night, Nao confronts Kotaro about the abuse, and he acknowledges going too far. The following day, tragedy strikes when Tenko's latent Decay Quirk manifests accidentally, resulting in the unintentional deaths of his dog, sister, mother, and grandparents.

Orphaned and abandoned, Tenko is left on the streets until All For One saves him. All For One nurtures Tenko's hatred for heroes and adopts him as his successor. Manipulated by All For One, Tenko, now known as Tomura Shigaraki, embraces his destructive nature.

Fast forward to the present, where Tomura engages in a fierce battle with Re-Destro. The conflict escalates as Tomura's Decay power extends beyond its normal limits, causing widespread destruction. Re-Destro, realizing Tomura's overwhelming power, surrenders, recognizing Tomura's leadership as better suited for the Meta Liberation Army.

After the battle, the League of Villains recovers, and a manipulated narrative covers up the city's destruction. Re-Destro relinquishes leadership to Tomura, forming an alliance between the League and the Meta Liberation Army, leading to the birth of the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Tomura, now in control, demands the power promised to him by All For One. The Doctor agrees to enhance Tomura's abilities, setting the stage for a new era of villainy. Meanwhile, Hawks, realizing the dire situation, contemplates the League's newfound strength and the looming threat to heroes.

Tomura emerges victorious over Re-Destro, resulting in the latter losing his legs. This defeat serves as a symbolic manifestation of Tomura's immense strength and newfound liberation.

Following this, Rikiya announces the establishment of an alliance, with Re-Destro addressing the joint forces of this newfound collaboration.

Trumpet, attempting to utilize his Incite Quirk to rally his followers for the rescue of their leader, faces a daunting obstacle as Tomura, with a mere glance, instills paralyzing fear in them. Despite Trumpet's efforts, Re-Destro, acknowledging Tomura's control, relinquishes command of the Meta Liberation Army. Tomura seizes the opportunity to merge both organizations, utilizing the resources of Detnerat CEO's funds.

Skeptic takes charge of editing all footage related to Deika City, crafting a false narrative that champions the ideals of free Quirk usage. In an underground meeting with his followers, Re-Destro introduces Tomura as the Grand Commander of the newly formed Paranormal Liberation Front, emphasizing Tomura's true liberation and framing it as the will of Destro.

The chosen name, Paranormal Liberation Front, is deliberately crafted to discard the "Villain" label, a decision made by Re-Destro and Spinner. Tomura assumes the leadership role, and a team of ten lieutenants is appointed, each tasked with leading regiments tailored to their unique strengths. This leadership includes key figures from the Meta Liberation Army and elite members of the League of Villains.

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