28 | Revenge

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Toga and Twice worked under the yakuza temorarily. Overhaul appologizes for killing Magne and asks that their new recruits share their abilities upfront. Both Himiko and Twice explain their quirks. He asks about you but your friends were weirded out by it, they tried to avoid answering but he insisted.

"Y/n is needed in the League that's why she wasn't sent here by Shigaraki.." Toga responds

"Y/n is quite important in the League. They need her there at all times!" Twice adds.

"I see."
Overhaul can see why Shigaraki would want you close at all times, your quirk is invaluable and essential, despite it not being extremely flashy or powerful in terms of combat.

He would have to find a way to get close to you. There was something about you that attracted his attention... the way you went to your fellow member, the worried and horrified look on your face as you used your quirk on him... you regenerated a whole limb in less than 30 seconds. It was quite impressive to see.

He also theorized that the healing nature of your quirk could have bleed into your personality. You were quite the mysterious member. Your interactions with Kai were brief and straight to the point.

At the same time you didn't really see the point in even trying to be friendly. He killed your friend, the one you confided in and loved. She was like a big sister. A part of you died the day she was murdered. You will never forgive him.

Overhaul asks that as wanted criminals both should attempt to stay on the base for the time being.

When the heros invade the Shie Hassaikai hideout, Overhaul orders his temporary villains to help the 8 bullets cover his escape.

Twice and Toga are forced to work with Mimick, on taking down Sir nighteye's squad. Himiko takes on the lockdown hero Rocklock and ambushes him alone. Rocklock disarms Himiko and appears to defeat her, only for it to be a clone.
The real Himiko attacks him from behind by stabbing him.

Rocklock is shocked by Toga's presence "What is the League of Villains doing here?"

"I am a yakuza now."

After Toga kills him she drinks his blood and takes his form. Izuku and Eraserhead confront her but she tricks them long enough to close in on Izuku.

Eraserhead destroys her disguise and Midoriya recognizes her much to Himiko's pleasure. Eraserhead gets her away from his student but she stabs him and retreats.

Twice takes on Sir nighteye but his clone of Kendo Rappa was destroyed and he's forced to retreat.

Toga helps Twice calm down as she uses her pink handkerchief to make him feel whole again. They recall Tomura's and your encouraging words before they embarked on the mission. They couldn't wait until they get to spend time with you again. Being in the yakuza was nothing like being in the League.

Himiko wants to kill Overhaul herself but they decide to use the heros to realize their ambitions. They hope that the yakuza and the heros will destroy each other.

Himiko takes on Izuku's appearance and leads everyone right to Overhaul. They help the heros to eventually defeat Overhaul.

Himiko and Twice escape the area and contact you. They inform you that Overhaul is being transfered to a Villain Hospital, that he is currently in the freeway.

You, Tomura, Dabi, Spinner and Mr Compress attack the convoy to get revenge against the yakuza. The sand hero Snatch tries to fight you off. This led to you being hurt by one of his attacks. Dabi was furious. Dabi and Mr. Compress work together to kill him. Your feeling of guilt was consuming you, there goes another life, wasted... But it had to be done, if not they would capture you and you'd all rot in jail.

Tomura derails the rest of the convoy and Spinner acts as the getaway driver. Tomura confronts Kai directly and reveals he has plans for him worse than death. Compress gets his revenge by removing Kai's left arm. Then Tomura cuts off the right one.

You knew that he was a bad person and that he killed your friend Magne but you couldn't help but feel pity towards Kai. While they cut off his arms he was looking at you, silently pleading. You felt guilty since you were a bystander. You could regenerate his arms but... You didn't want to disobey Tomura and you still felt deeply hurt by Magne death... you flinched every time they amputate him. It was gruesome to witness. Your eyes were opened wide, shock was written all over your face, you tried to distract yourself by fidgeting with your diamond ring.

Dabi looks at your facial expressions. It was quite easy to read them. You had such a pure heart, he knows that you are feeling empathy for this monster that killed Magne. What is a girl like you even doing here with the League, he thought. He puts his hand on one of your shoulders. You got startled since you were deep in your thoughts. When you realized it was Dabi you let out a sigh.

You steal the quirk killer bullets and Tomura mocks Kai's life work. The League dramatically exit the scene of chaos.

"We're all going to be the next kings and queens of darkness" Tomura says with a satisfied smirk.

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