45 | Lifeless

64 17 0

Your world shattered like fragile glass. The news of Dabi's demise at the hands of the heroes struck you like a thunderbolt, leaving you stunned and disbelieving.

Rushing to his side, you knelt beside his lifeless form, your hands trembling as you reached out to touch his cold skin. "Touya," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "Please, wake up. You can't be gone."

With tears welling in your eyes, you began to use your powers, painstakingly removing each scar, each wound that marred his once flawless skin. "I can fix this," you murmured to yourself, your voice a desperate plea. "I can bring you back."

But despite your efforts, he remained still, his chest unmoving, his spirit gone. "No," you cried out, your voice breaking with anguish. "This can't be happening. Please, Dabi, wake up."

In the depths of despair, you felt a suffocating sense of helplessness wash over you. "I don't know what to do," you whispered, your words a desperate prayer. "I can't lose you like this."

With tears streaming down your cheeks, you continued to plead with him, unable to accept the cruel reality before you. "Come back to me," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I need you. I love you."

"No, NO NO!!"

Your cries echoed through the darkness, to your voice a desperate plea against the horrors that haunted your subconscious.

As you jolted awake, sweat-soaked sheets clinging to your trembling form, you found yourself engulfed in a storm of emotions. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you sat up, your chest heaving with ragged breaths.

. "Touya," you whispered, your voice choked with grief. "Please, tell me you're still here. It was just a dream, right?"

But even as you sought comfort in the reassurance of your own voice, doubt gnawed at the edges of your consciousness.

With trembling hands and a heart heavy with dread, you reached for your phone, your fingers fumbling as you navigated to the news app.

As the screen illuminated with the latest headlines, your breath caught in your throat. With hesitant movements, you scrolled through the updates, your eyes scanning the headlines in search of any mention of Dabi.

And there it was, a headline that sent a rush of relief coursing through your veins: "Dabi Escapes Hero Confrontation Unharmed."

Your heart soared as you read the words again, a wave of gratitude washing over you. Tears welled in your eyes as you whispered a silent prayer of thanks for his safety.

With trembling fingers, you tapped on the article, devouring every word with eager anticipation. As the details unfolded before you, you felt a sense of wonder fill your heart. Dabi, your beloved, had narrowly escaped harm, emerging unscathed from the clutches of danger.

In that moment, the weight of fear lifted from your shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of hope. With a deep breath, you wiped away your tears, your heart filled with gratitude and determination.

"I won't let nightmares or uncertainty cloud my faith in us," you vowed silently. "As long as he's out there, fighting, I'll keep believing in our love."

Closing the news app with a shaky breath, you navigated to your gallery, where a treasure trove of memories awaited. Among the countless photos and videos some body checks and some more candid pictures of Touya, you found a familiar clip filmed by Toga, one that once made you blush with embarrassment, but now filled you with warmth and nostalgia.

In the video, you and Dabi were lounging together in a sunlit park, the gentle breeze tousling your hair as you laughed and joked with each other. Toga, ever the mischievous filmmaker, had managed to capture a spontaneous moment of playfulness between you.

As the camera panned over to you both, you saw yourself giggling uncontrollably as Dabi attempted to steal a bite of your ice cream cone. With mock indignation, you playfully swatted his hand away, earning a mischievous grin from him in return.

The sound of your laughter filled the screen, a symphony of joy and affection that tugged at your heartstrings. In that moment, you realized that what once made you feel self-conscious now brought you immense joy. These candid moments, immortalized on film, were a testament to the love and happiness you shared together.

With a fond smile, you pressed play, allowing yourself to be transported back to that sunny afternoon in the park, where nothing mattered except the love you shared and the memories you created.

As the realization dawned that it was almost time to prepare for another day of med school, you reluctantly set your phone aside, determined to start the day with a sense of purpose.

With a deep breath, you rose from your bed and made your way to the kitchen, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee beckoning you forward. With practiced ease, you measured out the coffee grounds and filled the machine, the sound of bubbling water soothing your frayed nerves.

While the coffee brewed, you reached for a ripe apple, its crisp skin promising a burst of sweetness with every bite. With deft hands, you sliced it into neat, bite-sized pieces, arranging them on a plate with care.

As you waited for the coffee to finish brewing, you took a moment to savor the quiet stillness of the morning, the promise of a new day stretching out before you. With each sip of coffee and each bite of apple, you felt a sense of renewal wash over you, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Armed with caffeine and nourishment, you set your sights on the day ahead, ready to tackle whatever obstacles awaited you with determination and resolve.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now