34 | Meta Liberation Army

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You hurriedly scrolled through your phone as you read the news reports detailing the mysterious appearance of severed fingers and pieces of clothing in various locations. All of these locations were places you and the League had been to recently. Something was definitely not right.

The tension in the room was palpable as Twice received a call from Giran's associate, Giran himself having been unreachable for weeks. The mood darkened even further when Mr. Compress discovered that Giran was being held hostage by someone called Re-Destro.

The voice on the other end introduced itself as the Grand Commander of the Meta Liberation Army. Tomura chuckled dismissively, assuming it was just another organization trying to ride the League's popularity wave. But this time, it seemed different. Re-Destro claimed responsibility for initiating the League's rise to fame and explained that the Meta Liberation Army sought to free all Meta-Humans from societal restrictions.

Twice couldn't help but interrupt, demanding to know what had happened to Giran and what Re-Destro wanted from them. Re-Destro assured them that Giran was alive but made it clear that they were not allies. The Army's aim was to dismantle the current framework of society and rebuild it so that Meta-Humans could fully use their abilities without suppression.

Mr. Compress questioned why they should oppose the Army's goals, while Himiko wondered if they were going to help them like they aided the Yakuza. Tomura dismissed the notion, telling Re-Destro to "liberate the broker" and call back later, as they were busy. Little did they know the severity of the situation they were about to face.

Re-Destro revealed that they wouldn't let Giran go easily since he possessed valuable information about the League. Despite brutally chopping off Giran's fingers, he had remained stoic and refused to divulge any information. The Army had managed to recover the deleted client list, showcasing their deep-rooted influence in society.

Re-Destro's claim of amassing over 100,000 ready-to-act liberation warriors shocked the League. Spinner couldn't help but think it was all just a bluff, but Re-Destro immediately proved otherwise, revealing their precise location deep in the Niigata mountainside. Panic filled the room as Twice threw his phone, but it was too late. Re-Destro's satellites had already locked onto their position, ready to track them down.

Acknowledging the heroes' imminent arrival, Re-Destro issued a challenge to the League. He wanted them to come to Deika City in Aichi Prefecture if they wished to rescue Giran. It was a declaration of war, a clash between the League and the Meta Liberation Army that would determine the course of the future.

Tomura thanked Re-Destro for the warning, silently contemplating their next move. The choices were grim: either stand against the Army and face destruction or do nothing and be captured by the heroes when their location was inevitably exposed. The fate of Giran, the League, and the entire Meta-Human community now hung in the balance.

As the League members ponder over the credibility of Re-Destro's threats, Twice passionately insists on saving Giran, highlighting the importance of finding a place to belong which Giran offered him. Despite Himiko's doubts about the Meta Liberation Army's honesty and Giran's possible death, Mr. Compress tries to calm down Twice by pointing out the dangers of plunging headfirst into the unknown. Tomura intervenes by removing Twice's mask, silencing him, and revealing his plan to solve their problems by contacting the doctor.

Daruma remarks on the League stirring up old groups like the Army, while Mr. Compress suggests sending a High-End Nomu. However, the doctor insists that they are not ready for such a move. Tomura inquires about Dabi's location, learning that he is on the border between Mie and Shiga prefectures. Requesting to be warped to Aichi, Tomura shares his plan to defeat Gigantomachia, aiming to attack Deika City, the MLA's base, to save Giran and draw Gigantomachia towards him, letting the Army weaken the powerful villain.

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