18 | It's Official

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As you and Dabi descended the stairs, the League of Villains members caught sight of you and erupted in playful cheers and catcalls.

Toga: "Look who decided to join the land of the living! Love is in the air!"

Twice: "Are you two, like, official now?"

Dabi smirks: "Don't jump to conclusions, we just had a cozy night."

Spinner: "Sure looked cozier than 'just friends.' "

Amid the teasing and questions, Shigaraki beckoned Dabi to his room with a nod. Curious glances followed them, but the banter continued as they disappeared from view.

Inside Shigaraki's room, the atmosphere shifted. Shigaraki, usually indifferent to matters of the heart, spoke with surprising sincerity.

Shigaraki: "Look, Dabi, I usually don't give a damn about this stuff, but I can see you've got a thing for Y/n. And it seems mutual."

Dabi: "What's it to you?"

Shigaraki: "Nothing, really. Just saying, if you like her, go for it. I'm not a relationship expert, but I know when someone's into someone. You deserve some happiness too, you know?"

Dabi, taken aback by the unexpected advice, nodded in acknowledgment.

Dabi: "Yeah, maybe you're right."

As they rejoined the others, Shigaraki discreetly gave Dabi an encouraging nod.
The League resumed their playful banter.

Mr compress and Dabi had a few missions to complete. You spent your day trying to avoid binge purging by studying anatomy chapters. And soon enough Dabi and Mr compress come back from their mission, it was mid day.

Under the gentle afternoon sunlight, You and Dabi found a quiet corner away from the prying eyes of the League of Villains. The air was charged with a different energy as Dabi took a deep breath, his eyes locked with yours.

Dabi: "Y/n, these past few months have been something... something special."

Your eyes sparkled with anticipation, sensing the sincerity in Dabi's words.

"I never thought I'd find someone who understands the chaos within me, who sees past the flames and darkness. But then you came into my life, and everything changed."


"Y/n, I want you to be more than just a part of my nights. I want you to be my partner in crime, my confidante in the chaos. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Your heart fluttered, and you nodded, your eyes reflecting the emotions swirling within.

"Yes, Dabi. I want to be yours."

In that tender moment, time seemed to pause. Dabi cupped your face with gentle hands, drawing you closer. Your lips met in a kiss that spoke volumes, a union of two souls finding solace in each other's embrace.

The world faded away, leaving only the warmth of shared breaths and the promise of a love that had ignited amidst the flames.

You went back at the bar, the meeting was just about to start, Shigaraki spoke about his plans and how we need to be prepared for what's to come.

"Y/n, since your quirk isn't the best for combat you have to get stronger, I assign Dabi to take care of your training, that way you can be in the battlefield and protect yourself."

You couldn't contain your excitement, you were finally Dabi's girlfriend. His. You can't believe it.

After the meeting ends the League of Villains decided to unwind with an impromptu spa night, and you were visibly in a good mood. As they gathered in Magne's makeshift spa corner, Toga, Magne, and Twice exchanged curious glances, sensing something was up.

Toga: "Spill the tea, Y/n! What's got you all jittery?"

"Guess who's officially Dabi's girlfriend!"

Toga, Magne, and Twice exchanged wide-eyed glances before erupting into cheers, causing an echoing commotion.

Toga: "No way! The flames of love are burning bright!"

Magne: "Dabi? Seriously? Color me surprised!"

Toga:"I am not surprised, have you seen how he looks at her?"

Twice: "Congratulations, you two!"

You blushed under the shower of congratulations and teasing.

Toga: "Details, details! How did he ask you? Was it all romantic and stuff?"

"Oh, you have no idea! It was like something out of a cheesy romance novel."

Magne: "I never thought I'd see the day. Dabi's got a soft spot!"

Twice: "Alright, spill more! What's the plan now, lovebirds?"

"Well, we're taking it one step at a time. But tonight, it's all about relaxation and celebrating with my awesome friends!"

The spa night transformed into a lively celebration, with teasing, laughter, and shared excitement for the newfound romance. Bubbling with joy, you couldn't have asked for a more fun-filled way to announce your relationship with Dabi to the League.

In Love With A Villain (Dabi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now