15 | Breaking News!

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"Are you sure, you're talking about Y/n L/n, the daughter of the pro hero Strong Man?"

"Yes i am sure, i even have photos of her extremely close with Dabi, member of the League of Villains. I won't send them to you unless i get paid."

The journalist knows that this might be the most shocking article he'll ever write. The daughter of a pro hero corrupted by villains. He will make so much money, he can visualize himself on an island with a cocktail in hand, sunbathing in the Maldives.

He writes your classmate a check of 25000 dollars. He gets the pictures and start writing and selling the story to a bunch of news channels. They made the mutual decision to air it at the same time.

It was Sunday, you were sitting at the bar in the L.O.V Hideout. You get a notification, then another then another. Your phone is buzzing as you're getting more and more notifications, you decide to ignore it but it only got worse.

This is weird, you thought to yourself, you had a gut feeling that something is wrong. Very wrong even. You read the messages. Everyone in the class groupchat is saying that you're a traitor and that you should burn in hell.
They send screenshots of the article.
"Forbidden Love: the daughter of the Pro-Hero "Strong Man" is dating the Villain Dabi."
Even the bakusquad, your only friends in UA, sent you messages saying that you're a Villain and that they can't believe they trusted you.
.. You were shaking as you read the endless stream of messages.

"Hey, Y/n, what's wrong?"

"Can you open the TV on the local news channel, please?" You ask as your voice cracks.
Kurogiri opens the TV.
"Breaking news! Y/n L/n, daughter of Pro-Hero Strong Man is in a relationship with the League of villains member Dabi. Is She an undercover villain?"
You start sobbing, your dreams shattering before your eyes. Your life as you know it is over. The press with run with these pictures and ruin your reputation. Your parents will disown you, you'll get expelled from school.

You start hyperventilating as you realize the gravity of the situation.

Toga rushes to you side and rubs your back gently. And Dabi holds your hand and asks you to breathe with him.

"No matter what they say about you, you got us. We will never abandon you. For the moment, you can stay with us, you showed us your true nature and you never judged us, It's our turn to be there for you when you need us the most" shigaraki says to you.

"You heard him Y/n, we're your friends and true friends are always there for each other" Toga adds.
You cry your eyes out, no one was this kind to you.
"Thanks guys, i really appreciate it so much. You are my true friends. I never fit in in UA anyway... and the people i thought were my friends never asked me how i was doing, no one made sure i was okay. My parents are in denial and ashamed of the state of my mental health... With you guys, I never felt judged and disposed of like i was a piece of trash."
Dabi was overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, this was all his fault. He should have been more careful. His worst fears came true. Once he finds the person that took those pictures he'll make them pay.

The room goes quiet as you all continue to watch the journalist talk about some theories as to why you were with Dabi.. the screen shows dabi hugging you.. and a close up shot of you almost kissing him. You can't lie, the pictures were really pretty.

"And now we have the courageous classmate, that was brave enough to follow Y/n L/n, tell us Iwamoto Emi, what made you follow L/n Y/n?"

"I had my reasons to think that she was involved in illegal activities, but when i saw her kiss Dabi, i was extremely shocked i didn't think that she would be the traitor!"

Shigaraki turns off the TV.
"I have had enough of her scratchy voice and fake nice persona. What a bitch." Tomura says

Dabi is boiling with rage: "So this is the little shit that took those pictures. I'll make her pay."

"Dabi... that won't solve anything, it will only cause even more harm.. there is enough damage as is.."

"She gets to ruin your life, reputation and your future and she walks away without a single scratch?"

He was right, why does she get to do all of this and not pay for the pain she caused you

"I'll ask master if he can pay for an online school so you can at least graduate, i know it's important for you.."
"Tomura, you'd do that for me?"
He nods...
You were so touched. You rush to hug him, you were so thankful that you met your real friends. These people care about you, they don't pretend to care, they don't expect something in return.

"Kurogiri, can we give her the spare room in front of Dabi's room? Y/n, the room might not be ready until wednesday, would you mind sleeping in Dabi's room until your room is ready?"

"I suppose she can have that room, I'll start searching for the furniture we need to buy."

"Once again, thank you for everything you've done for me..I am speechless."

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