41 | Until we meet again

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The rising tide of anxiety threatened to overwhelm you as Gigantomachia drew nearer to his master. You absentmindedly stroked Snowball, your faithful companion, attempting to calm your racing thoughts amidst the chaos. Being a "villain" with a dog had proven to be a challenging balancing act, and guilt gnawed at you for the risks you had subjected him to.

Your gaze drifted to Dabi, his cerulean eyes alight with mischief as he teased Sceptic. But amidst the banter, a pang of grief struck you once more-Twice was gone, leaving an irreplaceable void. He had been more than just a comrade; he was the brother you had always yearned for. You had expressed your gratitude to him countless times, yet it never seemed sufficient. The thought of navigating life without Jin was a daunting prospect, one you wished fervently to avoid. But life demanded that you carry on, honoring their memory and legacy, even when the weight of their absence threatened to crush you.

Toga's empathetic glance spoke volumes, her understanding of your turmoil evident in her sigh. She approached, offering a comforting hand on your shoulder, her words a balm to your wounded spirit. As she spoke of avenging Twice and preserving his legacy, her voice faltered, betraying her own grief. You found solace in her embrace, her tears mingling with yours as you clung to each other, seeking refuge from the storm of emotions.

In the midst of this poignant moment, Mr. Compress and Dabi observed, the weight of their own guilt bearing down upon them. Dabi's resolve wavered as he recalled his plan-a desperate bid to secure a semblance of normalcy for you, away from the chaos of heroism and villainy. Stepping forward, he broached the topic with a seriousness that belied the gravity of his revelation.

"Y/n, we need to talk," Dabi said, his voice grave as he approached you.

"Do you need my help with something?" you asked, intrigued by his serious demeanor.

"Well, not exactly, but I need you to listen to me, and let me finish. This is for the best. You have to understand that," he explained, his gaze intense as he searched your eyes for understanding.

"Go on," you urged, a sense of foreboding settling over you as you awaited his words.

"You will flee the country, today. Now," Dabi stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Before you could express your shock, Mr. Compress swiftly intervened, compressing you and Snowball into marble-like orbs, ready for transport. As you grappled with the shock of Dabi's ultimatum, a surge of defiance rose within you.

"How could you expect me to leave?" you demanded, your voice tinged with disbelief and hurt. "I won't abandon them, Dabi. I won't abandon you."

Dabi's expression softened, a mixture of regret and determination evident in his eyes. "I'm doing this to keep you safe, Y/n. To give you a chance at a normal life."

"But what about you? What about us?" you countered, the ache of betrayal twisting in your chest.

"We'll figure something out," Dabi promised, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But for now, this is the only way."

As you grappled with conflicting emotions, the prospect of starting anew in France loomed dauntingly before you. Though fluent in the language, the prospect of isolation and uncertainty filled you with trepidation. And the thought of facing the trials ahead without Dabi by your side left a hollow ache in your chest. But amidst the fear and uncertainty, one thing remained certain-your unwavering resolve to stand with your chosen family, come what may.

As Mr. Compress compressed you and Snowball into marble-like orbs, a woman emerged from the shadows. She had been concealed on the other side of Gigantomachia, hidden alongside Sceptic by Dabi's strategic planning. With a nod from Mr. Compress, she approached and accepted the marbles without a word, her expression resolute yet tinged with sympathy.

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