Chapter 1

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Something vibrates around my wrist and it takes a while for me to realize what exactly that is. Of course , my smart watch, telling me to better get up now before my mom comes rushing in.

I sit up straight, the warm blanket slipping down my body as I yawn. My room is still dark, the blinds lock out the bright sunlight. The watch is still vibrating and the small screen starts to glow, leaving me no other choice than to turn the alarm of and get out of my bed to get ready for school.

Slowly, I open the blinds, flinching at the way too intense light that filled my room in a golden shine. I smile and stare out of the window for a while. The sky looks nice and blue, it should be good weather today. A few birds take off as I open the big window and lean outside, my surroundings quiet and rather calm.

The grass in our yard looks dried out probably because of the hot days we were having lately, its been quite a while since it last rained. I leave the window open as I try to make my way through the mess called my room. Dirty laundry is scattered on the floor including empty bottles and trash. A lot of trash. I haven't been getting to anything lately.

I open the door and quickly rush over to the bathroom next door. The window is open to regulate the damp air in here, my mom must have showered earlier.

Before taking off my clothes, I close it and also lower the blinds. Privacy.

I slip out of my shirt and look at myself in the mirror, sky blue eyes staring right back at me, maybe that's the reason for my weird name. Skylar. Skylar Hunter, 16 years old, male, blonde, blue eyes and deaf.

Yeah, doesn't that sound nice, just your average high schooler. I start to furiously scratch my head with both hands, you could say its an old habit. I take off my black watch, pants and socks and turn on the water in the shower, before slowly stepping inside and closing the glass door behind me.

The warm water feels amazing on my cooled down skin but I also can't forget about the time, or else I'll be late again (Not like I'm always late or anything).

I rinse the white foam off of my body and step out of the shower, the nice warm feeling gets taken over by the awful cold almost immediately. I sigh. The towels are lined up next to the door, so I quickly grab one before the floor gets even more wet.

I dry myself off and wrap the gray cloth around my waist before heading back to my room to grab something to wear. Lastly, I brush my teeth and wash my face, I also combed my hair with my little sisters brush, I'm not the kind of person that takes hours in the bathroom, nor do I really style my hair or anything. I would probably be invisible in a crowd, nothing special, frankly I'm not too fond of myself, I never was, but after the incident, I lost all of my self-esteem.

The feeling of being worthless is weighing me down even more than the whole deaf thing is. Almost everyone at my school knows about this, most of the people just hang around me out of pity. I mean, before the incident I was a nobody and as soon as I started coming back to school, all of these people wanted my number and stuff, most of them were girls, though. What could you possibly want from a deaf guy? Beats me to be honest.

I rush back over to my room and open the huge black closet standing next to my filthy desk. Every day is the same, nothing interesting ever happens. I thought about this before, maybe all the good and cool things happen around me, but I just can't hear them. It sounds plausible, after all, it's pretty damn frustrating to be deaf. I pull a light gray pair of pants out of the upper shelf and a black shirt from one of the coat hangers. As I pull the soft material over my head, I get a perfect view of the scars on my arm and wrist, ignoring them as I always do.

After I'm changed I pack my school things together (some of the stuff I even had to search for), making my way downstairs. The watch around my wrist vibrates as I enter the empty kitchen, checking the screen and reading the message that popped up on the tiny screen.

Hey Bro, how are you? Me and mom already left, since your first lesson is canceled. Ly.

My sister goes to the same school as I do, why didn't they wake me up earlier so I could have gone with them? This makes no sense at all. I scratch my head. My phone was still sitting on the kitchen counter where I'd left it yesterday so I put it in my pocket and open the fridge, there is a plate with five pancakes on it probably left overs from breakfast this morning.

"Now I have to take the bus to school... this is just great!", I mumble to myself as I gobble down the pancakes.


Heii everyone and welcome to my first story on WattPad and my first Boyxboy story! I hope you like it and I would very much love to read some comments. I'm still new to this field, so if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me. So with that, enjoy, sit back and relax (and maybe comment and vote) haha. Love you<3

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