Chapter 10

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"Look, it's not a girl. I'm just... worried... about... Claire! Yes, Claire and Dillon have been on my mind this whole day, Do you really think they match each other?", I think it's save to say, that this was a pretty amazing excuse. Mentally patting my shoulder. "Ohh, that's why, you got my hopes up for nothing! Stupid brother!", and with that, my dear sister left my room, but not without punching my already sore arm again. I swear to god, are all females that violent?

I pick up my phone after turning on the little lamp next to my bed. The screen comes to life, revealing a few messages from Claire, Dillon (to my surprise) and the number I still haven't added to my contacts, Nathan.

Usually I'd open her's first, but the curiosity over his answer took over ,I have to know if he's upset or something.

I don't think we should just forget it, I did wrong and apologizing only won't do for me. It's how I am, sorry to disappoint you but you're not off the hook yet.-winking emoji- Are you free this coming weekend?

Seriously, what happened to the"if you're up to it" part? This guy is so demanding. On the other side though, if I go to the party with Dillon and his friends I'd have a bulletproof excuse. Sunday I can just say I have family business or I'm still worn out or drunk from the party. But Friday... I'm actually free on Friday

If you say so, but I'm really busy over the weekend, I'm afraid we have to delay it...

That should be okay, right?

Now, on to the other messages.

Claire: Well he's just drunk and stuff, like always but it wasn't even that bad, I mean, he's still my dad. Anyway, I can't believe he didn't write you right away, how dare he! Please keep your adorable twin updated. Muchos Lovos (much love)

Dillon: So are you going to come, or not? We need to know so we can plan. Like I said, you're more then welcome to join!

Good, my invitation is still out, so I actually have an excuse.

Sure I'd love to come, I just checked everything with my parents so I'm good to go!

Sounds convincing, right? Just as I wanted to put my phone down to actually do my homework, my watch(and phone) vibrates, it's Claire again.

What did my cute little ears just hear? How dare you lie to me! Nathan texted me, asking if you're really busy or if you're just pretending to be. I told you to keep me updated, remember!? Okay, whatever, I'm not mad at you anymore, I love you too damn much to be mad at you...buuuuut since your calender synchronizes with mine I allowed myself to plan things for you. Haha have fun on Friday! You can't fool me! Friday is your chat- and gameday, you can't escape it so just face it already and stop being such a sociopath! If you want I can stalk you guys, watch you and take pictures. But I think you're old enough to meet with someone who wants to apologize for the way he behaved. And I swear, if you don't go, someone will have to die and it's not Nathan. (Unless he hurts you or something, than it's a totally different story!). So, I want you to think about this and your behavior towards me, I won't mention it tomorrow but you have to promise me to never ever lie to me again! Understood?

Dang it, I shouldn't have lied to her, she's totally right, the way I'm behaving is ridiculous, like a little kid! But now I actually have to go! I open my calender App and there it is, titled with "Café with Nathan". Thanks for nothing! Two vibrations in a row make me realize how tense and uncomfortable I am. I check the notification bar, one from Nathan, which I don't really dare to open, and one from Dillon. I decide to read his first.

Great, it'll be fun, I promise! And there will be alcohol and girls. Paradise, am I right?

I'm so excited... not. I hate partys! And now I have to go to one! Just because... actually, thinking about it, if I hadn't lied to Claire, she could have helped me out and I wouldn't have had to find an excuse (aka the party) and than... than... I could have just stayed at home. Well, probably not ,but let's just say it would have ended like that.

I still have to read Nathan's text though. Actually, I really don't want to, I feel bad for trying to run away from him. He must be upset, maybe it's a good idea to meet up, we could start over, forget our weird first encounter and just be friends. And live on happily ever after!

... in what movie do I actually live? I sound like a little school girl, what is going on with me? He's just a newbie and I have plenty of other friends, I don't need him! Wait, I mean in a friendship way... Maybe I should just stop thinking to much about it, my head already hurts! But I still have to read it... Here we go!


UIIII, how will Nathan act to his little lie? Well technically Skylar didn't lie, he was asked if he's free on the weekend but Friday doesn't count as weekend. But where he did lie was when he said they'd have to delay it, it wouldn't be delayed if they'd meet on Friday. Hahaha I'm getting way into this sorry. And sorry for all those text messages, I don't know if they bother you guys but I don't know how else to do it since he can't talk to them on the phone, so that's the only way.

Please please comment, vote, tell me if you like it or hate it or if you hate one fo the characters or what you like about my characters and if you do, maybe just maybe there will be another chapter the very next day, again, pinky promise.

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